A full Bayesian approach to appraise the safety effects of pedestrian countdown signals to drivers
Another look at the safety effects of horizontal curvature on rural two-lane highways
Canadian drivers' attitudes regarding preventative responses to driving while impaired by alcohol
Cell phone use while driving: does peer-reported use predict emerging adult use?
Comparing recall vs. Recognition measures of accident under-reporting: a two-country examination
Comparison of US metropolitan region pedestrian and bicyclist fatality rates
Detection of driver engagement in secondary tasks from observed naturalistic driving behavior
Development of thoracic injury risk functions for the THOR ATD
Drivers' social-work relationships as antecedents of unsafe driving: a social network perspective
Driving under the influence of drugs: perceptions and attitudes of New Zealand drivers
Evaluating the Safety In Numbers effect for pedestrians at urban intersections
Gender roles, sex and the expression of driving anger
Identification of high risk metropolitan intersection sites in Perth, Australia
Implications of advanced vehicle technologies for older drivers
Injunctive safety norms, young worker risk-taking behaviors, and workplace injuries
Investigating articulated heavy-vehicle crashes in western Australia using a spatial approach
Mobile phone use during driving: effects on speed and effectiveness of driver compensatory behaviour
Monitoring road safety development at regional level: a case study in the ASEAN region
Naturalistic assessment of the learner license period
Predictors of recovery in cyclists hospitalised for orthopaedic trauma following an on-road crash
Self-monitoring of driving speed
Take-over performance in evasive manoeuvres
The effect of motorcycle helmet fit on estimating head impact kinematics from residual liner crush
The effects of drinking and driving laws on car crashes, injuries, and deaths: evidence from Chile
Using trip diaries to mitigate route risk and risky driving behavior among older drivers