A remotely delivered progressive walking intervention for adults with persistent symptoms of a mild traumatic brain injury: feasibility and exploration of its impact
Acceptability of wearable inertial sensors, completeness of data, and day-to-day variability of everyday life motor activities in children and adolescents with neuromotor impairments
Facilitators and barriers to sustainable employment after spinal cord injury or acquired brain injury: the person's perspective
Factors related to sustainable employment of people with acquired brain injury or spinal cord injury: the employer's perspective
Frontoamygdala hyperconnectivity predicts affective dysregulation in adolescent moderate-severe TBI
Impact of falls and fear of falling on participation, autonomy and life satisfaction in the first year after spinal cord injury
Methods to evaluate driving competence for people with acquired brain injury (ABI): a systematic review
Self-awareness predicts fitness to drive among adults referred to occupational therapy evaluation
Transportation patterns of adults with travel-limiting disabilities in rural and urban America