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Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.

Journal Volume: 2021
Journal Issue:
Journal Year: 2021
Articles in SafetyLit: 35

A multimodal direct gaze interface for wheelchairs and teleoperated robots

A novel core-strengthening program for improving trunk function, balance and mobility after stroke: a case study

A predictive framework to provide neuromuscular insights in reshaping dynamic balance during transient locomotion

A wearable multi-sensor system for real world gait analysis

Abnormal brain activity in fronto-central regions in mental disorders with suicide: an EEG study

Adaptive change-point detection for studying human locomotion

An algorithm for real time minimum toe clearance estimation from signal of in-shoe motion sensor

An edge-device based fast fall detection using spatio-temporal optical flow model

An unobtrusive fall detection system using low resolution thermal sensors and convolutional neural networks

Automatic fall protection for hips based on micromechanical double gas cylinder rapid puncture and bionic capsule inflation

Balance control strategies during perturbed standing after a traumatic brain injury: kinematic analysis

Confidence-based fall detection using multiple surveillance cameras

Design and 3D printing of four multimaterial mechanical metamaterial using polyjet technology and digital materials for impact injury prevention

Detection of arcing and high impedance with electrical weapons

Detection of changes in the behaviour of the elderly person

EEG-based Major Depressive Disorder Detection Using Data Mining Techniques

Evaluation of ceiling-supported back harnesses in preventing injury in sheep shearing

Exploring the acceptability and feasibility of providing a balance tele-rehabilitation programme to older adults at risk for falls: an initial assessment

Fine-tuning and personalization of EEG-based neglect detection in stroke patients

Gait and balance patterns related to Free-Walking and TUG tests in Parkinson's Disease based on plantar pressure data

Implementing a quantified occupational health sensing platform in the aviation sector: an exploratory study in routine air traffic control work shifts

Leg-ligament-thigh-trunk dynamic model to describe posture recovery after double-leg landing task

Modeling the dynamics of a secondary neurodegenerative injury following a mild traumatic brain injury

Monitoring motor activity data for detecting patients' depression using data augmentation and privacy-preserving distributed learning

Objective evaluation of the risk of falls in individuals with traumatic brain injury: feasibility and preliminary validation

Output of electronic muscle stimulators: physical therapy and police models compared

Postural sway characteristics are affected by Alzheimer's disease

Predicting driver stress levels with a sensor-equipped steering wheel and a quality-aware heart rate measurement algorithm

Predicting the progression of Parkinson's disease MDS-UPDRS-III Motor Severity Score from gait data using deep learning

The Mexican Emotional Speech Database (MESD): elaboration and assessment based on machine learning

Towards balance assessment using Openpose

Transitive inverse consistent rigid longitudinal registration of diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging: a case study in athletes with repetitive non-concussive head injuries

Understanding human behaviors and injury factors in underground mines using data analytics

Wearable technology for evaluation of risk of falls

Yellow (lens) better: bioelectrical and biometrical measures to assess arousing and focusing effects