A case study of checking national household travel survey data with machine learning
A new highway cost allocation framework in the day of connected and autonomous vehicles
Advanced air mobility: a comparative review of policies from around the world--lessons for Australia
Assessment of pedestrians' red light violation behavior at signalized crosswalks in Kathmandu, Nepal
Automated driving regulations - where are we now?
Beyond the hype: A critical look at the motivations driving automated driving systems research
Conceptualising user comfort in automated driving: findings from an expert group workshop
Do men and women differ in time-use? Analysing the complexity of activity patterns in Germany
Investigation of winter weather crash injury severity using winter storm classification techniques
Macroscopic modeling of connected, autonomous and human-driven vehicles: a pragmatic perspective
Moving beyond COVID-19: break or continuity in the urban mobility regime?
Privacy preferences in automotive data collection
Towards truly sustainable mobility
Transit monitoring capacity expansion: analytics for combating human trafficking
What affects commute cycling in Sydney: access, infrastructure and demographics
Will gated community affect public transit service coverage?