Assessing the long-term impact of COVID-19 on travel behavior: the United Arab Emirates perspective
Digital technologies of transportation-related communication: review and the state-of-the-art
Does access to voting locations affect the choice to vote?
Effects of a frontal brake light on pedestrians' willingness to cross the street
Exploring transport mobility issues and adaptive behavior of women in a developing country
Forced labor and transportation: multi-disciplinary perspectives
From local to global: uniting neighborhood planning units for more efficient walks
Hidden urban patterns: existential discovery of urban patterns based on traffic and virtual space
Simulating the performance of HOV lanes for optimal urban traffic management
Socio-environmental factors associated with active school travel in children at ages 6 and 8 years
Supply level planning for shared e-scooters considering spatiotemporal heteroscedastic demand
Towards a framework of driver fitness: operationalization and comparative risk assessment
Using an adapted community readiness assessment to inform Vision Zero and safe systems action
Using golf carts as a transportation mode: who does it?
Where did bike-share boom? Analyzing impact of infrastructure lockdowns on bike-sharing in Chicago