Associations between vision impairment and driving performance and the effectiveness of vision-related interventions: a systematic review
Changes in mobility amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Sapporo City, Japan: an investigation through the relationship between spatiotemporal population density and urban facilities
Driven by head or heart? Testing the effect of rational and emotional anti-speeding messages on self-reported speeding intentions
Experienced processes and outcomes of driving license withdrawal due to visual field loss: a Swedish survey study of trust in authorities
Functional data analysis approach for mapping change in time series: a case study using bicycle ridership patterns
Iterated clustering optimization of the split-delivery vehicle routing problem considering passenger walking distance
Linking travel behavior and tourism literature: Investigating the impacts of travel satisfaction on destination satisfaction and revisit intention
Napper cycling typology: identifying and understanding different bicycle trip purposes
Narratives in transport research: a thematic and functional analysis
Predicting the impact on road safety of an intersection AEB at urban intersections: using a novel virtual test field for the assessment of conflict prevention between cyclists/pedelecs and cars
The limits of soft safety regulation: does successful work with safety culture require SMS implementation?