Acceptance of conditionally automated cars: just one factor?
Application of crowdsourced data to infer user satisfaction with Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
Cycle campaigning for a just city
External human-machine interfaces: gimmick or necessity?
Guardrails on priced lanes: protecting equity while promoting efficiency
Impact of COVID-19 on mode choice behavior: a case study for Dhaka, Bangladesh
On the road safety benefits of advanced driver assistance systems in different driving contexts
Short- and long-term effects of COVID-19 on bicycle sharing usage
Temporal patterns and factors influencing vertebrate roadkill in China
The effects of ridesourcing services on vehicle ownership in large Indian cities
The relationship between car shedding and subjective well-being
Understanding the role of transportation in combating human trafficking in California
Vulnerable road user safety and freight vehicles: a case study in North Carolina and Tennessee