A low-cost approach to identify hazard curvature for local road networks using open-source data
A Scopus-based bibliometric study of maritime research involving the Automatic Identification System
A study of the scheduling effect on shared autonomous vehicles adoption
Are multimodal travellers going to abandon sustainable travel for L3 automated vehicles?
Attitude vs. infrastructure: influences on the intention to overtake bicycle riders
Bike share responses to COVID-19
Car access and travel behaviour among men and women in car deficient households with children
COVID-19 lockdown measures and travel behavior: the case of Thessaloniki, Greece
Dueling emergencies: flood evacuation ridesharing during the COVID-19 pandemic
Establishing the basis for a school bus emergency evacuation time standard
Evaluation model of bus routes optimization scheme based on multi-source bus data
How do novel seat positions impact usability of child restraints?
Is the take-over paradigm a mere convenience?
Mining crowdsourced data on bicycle safety critical events
Safety and experience of other drivers while interacting with automated vehicle platoons
Super-tailoring: using self-persuasion to reduce drivers' car use
Testing of bicycle lighting: method development and evaluation
The reactivated bike: self-reported cycling activity during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic in Australia
Vehicle regulations in Africa: impact on used vehicle import and new vehicle sales
Who lives in transit-friendly neighborhoods? An analysis of California neighborhoods over time