Analysis of occupational accidents in the land transport and transport sector
Behavior of pedestrians when using a pedestrian crossing with traffic lights
Comparison of breath alcohol measuring devices
Deep learning-based automatic helmet recognition for two-wheeled road safety
Deep reinforcement learning for traffic signal control
Design scenarios of vehicle fires in the road tunnel
Development of a model environment for autonomous driving
How to ensure safe mobility during the pandemic?
Monitoring the load securing on semi-trailer when driving on the highway
Passenger car fire in a confined space
Passive safety in railway vehicles: a review
Pilot fatigue experience and fatigue reporting: short-haul airline operation
Research of drivers' attitudes to the front brake light
Research of maritime accidents based on HFACS framework
Risk assessment of key elements in road transport infrastructure
Statistical analysis of road accidents of motorcyclists in Poland from 2011 to 2021
System of transport security of evacuation in the conditions of the Slovak Republic