Burr Type XII distribution in traffic control systems
Changing trends in personal vehicle use
Determination of the critical speed of tracked vehicles on the trajectory of skidding
Development of the methods for refined determination of the braking characteristics of freight cars
Ensuring the safety of aircraft flights in ornithological terms
Evaluation of rail overturning under the influence of lateral forces by mathematical modeling
Justification of criteria of assessing road train movement stability on motorways
Principles of allocation of special transportation analysis zones
Research results of the operating efficiency of the electric train brake air system
Safety expertise in the operation of vehicles and mobile power equipment
Satellite-based monitoring of hazardous natural and man-induced emergencies
Scientific bases development for oil spill accidents automated detection using drones
Solving the problem of crossing traffic flows at the northern entrance to the City of Rostov-on-Don
The human factor and the problem of transport safety in modern conditions