A finite element approach for the traffic assignment problem
A GIS-based evaluation of the motorcycle sharing systems in Spain
A prediction of bike flow in bike renting systems with the tensor model and deep learning
Agent-based simulation model of bus evacuation events
Alternative futures for shared mobility systems: impacts on transport planning tools and techniques
Analysis of an autonomous driving modular bus system
Analysis of real experiences using different sized bike sharing schemes in Irish cities
Analysis of rock mass classifications for safer infrastructures
Analysis of traffic velocity under different weather and temporary conditions
Assessing sim racing software for low-cost driving simulator to road geometric research
Autonomous Vehicle Control in CARLA Challenge
Connections between mobility and urban fabrics in the city of Burgos (Spain)
Costs and benefits of gender policies in transportation. State of the art of quantitative approaches
Criteria for optimizing a road network
Evolution of mobility during the COVID-19 crisis in the region of Madrid
Impact of COVID-19 on urban transportation habits in the city of Gijón
Influence of tire dynamics on a braking process with ABS
Intelligent emergency management system for railway transport
Modelling individual perception of barriers to bike use
Numerical simulation of a semitrailer's lateral protection system against car frontal crash
Platooning of connected automated vehicles on freeways: a bird's eye view
Public transportation multimodality in the City of Lisbon
Quantification of transport offer linked to a Hyperloop European Network
Reinforcement learning for traffic signal control: comparison with commercial systems
Sustainable and smart mobility evaluation since citizen participation in responsive cities
The digital society as a determining factor in mobility, urban dynamics and current cities structure
The gravity model as a tool for decision making. Some highlights for Indian roads
The role of drivers' schemes on traffic signs comprehension
Urban road accidents and ride-hailing services: a study of dependence in Madrid
Why is necessary to reduce the speed in urban areas to 30 Km/h?
Working hours and traffic accident injuries: case study in Barcelona