An innovative design of a protective device for integrity of tank wagons in a collision
Analysis and identification of contributing factors of traffic crashes in New York City
Analysis of traffic crashes and violations in a developing country
Application of close-range photogrammetry in documenting the location of an accident
Application of the PERT method in planning of area evacuation of persons
Assessment of fenestration security as part of railway infrastructure
Comparison of fuel consumption of a passenger car depending on the driving style of the driver
Crashworthiness of brittle blocks as cushioning elements for fixed objects around traffic lanes
Design of two wheeled vehicle steering structure
Determination of operational reliability of firefighting special vehicles
Determining the minimal safety level of automatic road sign recognition system - field study survey
Development of test system for forensics investigation of collision between vehicle and pedestrian
Effective placement of video surveillance system using 3D scanning technology for traffic safety
Evaluation of hazard perception skills of young drivers
Fire safety of an over ground car park building - model solution
Geometry influence of far-side wall of tunnel emergency bay on the traffic safety
Impact of police enforcement on critical gap at roundabouts
Implementation of new technologies to improve safety of road transport
IoT-based Data Acquisition Unit for aircraft and road vehicle
Observation of fire characteristics of selected covering materials used in upholstered seats
Optimization of traffic situation using roundabouts
Options for assessing the impact of the bike-sharing system on mobility in the city Žilina
Proposal AHP method for increasing the security level in the railway station
Public transportation usage in a hot climate developing country
Reduction of pedestrian accidents - automated road vehicles
RFID tags at the operation of fire stations
Risk analysis of the reference object and the range of the integrated rescue system
Scenarios involving accident-damaged electric vehicles
Strategy management of telematics systems in the transport sector with regard to safety
Test stand for experimental crash tests at low speeds
The impact of vehicle fires on road safety
The permeable performance testing of the level intersection - case study
The use of simulation in dealing with crisis events within transport
Traffic accident monitoring information system of the selected region
Universal firefighter sensor for dangerous road tunnel environment
Usage of digital evidence in the technical analysis of traffic collisions
Use of the method of operational analysis in the framework of technological safety of emergency work
Vehicle response as a function of speed
Vulnerability assessment and risk prioritization with HRVA method for railway stations