A case for differentiating design consistency evaluation between day and night
A fuzzy methodology to evaluate the landslide risk in road lifelines
A simplified methodology for road safety risk assessment based on automated video image analysis
Accident data analysis and on-field inspections: do they lead to similar conclusions?
An experimental analysis on driving behaviour for professional bus drivers
Analysis of road safety speed from floating car data
Analysis of selected off-road glances during driving in real road traffic
Analysis of sight distances at urban intersections from a vulnerable users' approach: a case study
Approach alignment impact on the geometric design of urban roundabouts
Benchmarking of the road safety performance among the regions by using DEA
Bicycle traffic volume estimation based on GPS data
Can a fully integrated approach enclose the drainage system design and the flood risk analysis?
Crest vertical curvature safety assessment through variable grade stopping sight distance control
Cycling traffic at turbo roundabouts: some considerations related to cyclist mobility and safety
Designing walkable streets in congested touristic cities: the case of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Determinants of the use of safety restraint systems in Italy
Driver-pedestrian interaction under legal and illegal pedestrian crossings
Evaluating bus accident risks in public transport
Geometric design issues and safety analysis of two-way rural road tunnels
Human factors contributing to the road traffic accident occurrence
Improving road safety knowledge in Africa through crowdsourcing: the African Road Safety Observatory
Influence of pavement surface macrotexture on pavement skid resistance
Italians' public opinion on road roundabouts: a web based survey
Management of road speed sectioning to lower vehicle energy consumption
Mobility justice in urban transport - the case of Malta
Research of accepted headways and visibility conditions on intersections
Risk exposure data - possibilities for assessing the risk exposure for the Republic of Serbia
Risk identification of implementation of ITS to real traffic
Risk of increasing temperature due to climate change on operation of the Spanish rail network
Road safety capacity building in Belarus through the development of road safety master courses
Road Safety Review update by using innovative technologies to investigate driver behaviour
Safety at LCs in Italy: evidence from the Safer-LC Project
Smart mobility solutions - necessary precondition for a well-functioning smart city
Some analysis on visibility from driver seat
Speed limits and road warning signs as aid for driving behavior
The driver's visual perception research to analyze pedestrian safety at twilight
The significance of the development of road safety performance indicators related to driver fatigue
Theoretical analysis of stone pavers in pedestrian areas
Urban air mobility: safety challenges
Use of technology-based strategies for older driver risk mitigation
Walking on the safe side: a methodology to assess pavements quality conditions for pedestrian