Bicycle network design: model and solution algorithm
Comparison different black spot identification methods
Comparison of passenger walking speed distribution models in mass transit stations
Conflict resolution of North Atlantic air traffic with speed regulation
Driver-pedestrian interaction under different road environments
Evaluation of bicycle sharrows within the Norwegian context
Factors influencing bicycle use: a binary choice model with panel data
Fitting time headway and speed distributions for bicycles on separate bicycle lanes
How drivers' characteristics can affect driving style
How urban form promotes walkability?
Jam tail warnings based on vehicle probe data
Measuring uncertainty of traffic volume on motorway concessions: a time-series analysis
Modeling driver behavior in dilemma zone under mixed traffic conditions
Road data as prior knowledge for highly automated driving
Statistical analysis of the occurrence and severity of crashes involving vulnerable road users
Stochastic multi-objective evacuation model under managed and unmanaged policies
The influence of slope on walking activity and the pedestrian modal share