A model for capacity reduction at roadwork zone
A stochastic car following model
Advanced evaluation methods for variable speed limit systems
Automatic incident detection based on Bluetooth detection in Northern Bavaria
Capacity and behaviour on one-way cycle tracks of different widths
Capacity issues in Sweden - applications and research
Capacity of freeway work zones in Germany
Comparing lane based and lane-group based models of signalised intersection networks
Evaluation of variable speed limit pilot projects for Texas Department of Transportation
Harmonization with variable speed limits on motorways
Human ellipse of Indian pedestrians
Improving traffic flow at long-term roadworks
Influence of dynamic traffic control systems and autonomous driving on motorway traffic flow
Investigation of automated vehicle effects on driver's behavior and traffic performance
Managing motorways and urban arterials in Australia: country report for Australia
Methodology for timing and impact analysis of signalized intersections
Pedestrian traffic operations in urban networks
Performance benefits of connected vehicles for implementing speed harmonization
Safety of characteristic subsections of roadwork zones on motorways
The development and practice of China highway capacity research
Traffic flow at a freeway work zone with reversible median lane
Usage of road weather sensors for automatic traffic control on motorways
Variability of capacity and traffic performance at urban and rural signalised intersections