A lethal imitation game? Exploring links among psychoactive substance use, self-harming behaviors and celebrity worship
Alcohol mixed with energy drinks: expectancies of use and alcohol-related negative consequences among a young adult sample
Are non-abstinent reductions in World Health Organization drinking risk level a valid treatment target for alcohol use disorders in adolescents with ADHD?
Daily and situational reports of substance use and dating violence among college students: a 10-week prospective study
Dimensions of childhood trauma and their direct and indirect links to PTSD, impaired control over drinking, and alcohol-related-problems
High school sport participation and substance use: a cross-sectional analysis of students from the COMPASS study
Personalized normative feedback interventions targeting hazardous alcohol use and alcohol-related risky sexual behavior in Swedish university students: a randomized controlled replication trial
Racial and ethnic differences in alcohol-, opioid-, and co-use-related deaths in Washington State from 2011 to 2017