Alcohol consumption, life satisfaction and mental health among Norwegian college and university students
Beer advertisements and adolescent drinking knowledge, expectancies, and behavior
Cognitive performance and mood after a normal night of drinking: a naturalistic alcohol hangover study in a non-student sample
Comparing Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) with Timeline Follow Back (TLFB), DSM-5 and Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) for the assessment of alcohol misuse among young people in Ugandan fishing communities
Development of the Substance Use Motives Measure (SUMM): a comprehensive eight-factor model for alcohol/drugs consumption
Hallucinogen use is associated with mental health and addictive problems and impulsivity in university students
Impulsivity, risk gambling, and heavy episodic drinking among adolescents: a moderator analysis of psychological health
Leisure activity and alcohol use among Ukrainian adolescents
Positive alcohol expectancies and injunctive drinking norms in drinking to cope motives and alcohol use among older adults
Positive urgency partially mediates the relationship between childhood adversity and problems associated with substance use in an undergraduate population
Psychiatric symptoms and recent overdose among people who use heroin or other opioids: results from a secondary analysis of an intervention study
Sensitivity to reward and punishment and alcohol outcomes: metacognition as a moderator
The potential individual- and population-level benefits of encouraging drinkers to count their drinks