"We have the right not to be 'rescued'...": when anti-trafficking programmes undermine the health and well-being of sex workers
"We have the right not to be 'rescued'…": when anti-trafficking programmes undermine the health and well-being of sex workers
A lie more disastrous than the truth: asylum and the identification of trafficked women in the UK
Accountability and the use of raids to fight trafficking
Accountable to whom? Accountable for what? Understanding anti-child trafficking discourse and policy in southern Benin
GRETA's first years of work: review of the monitoring of implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings
Measuring the success of counter-trafficking interventions in the criminal justice sector: who decides--and how?
Sex trafficking, law enforcement and perpetrator accountability
The road to effective remedies: pragmatic reasons for treating cases of "sex trafficking" in the Australian sex industry as a form of "labour trafficking"
Using human rights to hold the US accountable for its anti-sex trafficking agenda: the universal periodic review and new directions for US policy