Emerging trends in adolescent suicide prevention research
Evolutionary processes in suicide
Firearm suicide: pathways to risk and methods of prevention
From ideation to action: recent advances in understanding suicide capability
Ideation-to-action theories of suicide: a conceptual and empirical update
Late-life suicide prevention strategies: current status and future directions
Real-time assessment of suicidal thoughts and behaviors
Repetitive negative thinking and suicide: a burgeoning literature with need for further exploration
Retraction notice to "The weapons effect" [Curr. Opin. Psychol. 19 (2018) 93-97]
Suicidal behavior and aggression-related disorders
Suicide among Hispanics in the United States
Suicide in physicians and veterinarians: risk factors and theories
Suicide prevention in the military: a mechanistic perspective
What role do nightmares play in suicide? A brief exploration