Data-driven spatial-temporal analysis of highway traffic volume considering weather and festival impacts
Impacts of the built environment on social capital in China: mediating effects of commuting time and perceived neighborhood safety
Inequalities of extreme commuting across Canada
Just because I'm a woman: gender happiness gap in human mobility
Mixed-methods approach to studying multiuser perceptions of an interim Complete Streets project in Norway
Modelling lane changing behaviors for bus exiting at bus bay stops considering driving styles: a game theoretical approach
Observational study on multi-type conflicts between passengers and cyclists at the bus stop - a case study in Nanjing
Safety of walking trips accessing to public transportation: a Bayesian spatial model in Hong Kong
Spatial analysis of collision risk of child pedestrians - a case of urban elementary school districts in Busan, Korea
The effects of social conformity and gender on drivers' behavioural intention towards level-3 automated vehicles
Towards an electric scooter level of service: a review and framework