Addressing safety issues along the way to school: qualitative findings from Jerash camp, Jordan
Analysis of older people's walking behavioral intention with the extended theory of planned behavior
Does hearing loss affect the risk of involvement in a motor vehicle crash?
Effects of built environment in subway stations on pedestrian injuries
eScooters - a novel device causing significant trauma
Examining older adults' attitudes towards different mobility modes in Iran
Gender inequality, transport, and wellbeing: the case of child healthcare in Uruguay
Health effects of active mobility and their economic value: unit benefit factor estimates for Italy
Health-oriented routes for active mobility
How street greenery facilitates active travel for university students
How to design built environments around parks that ensure pedestrian safety
Pedestrian behavior in signalized intersections: Santiago de Querétaro
Self-reported distress symptoms among cyclists having suffered bicycle crashes
Spatial multicriteria decision analysis for Walking School Bus target development strategies
The effects of a subvention scheme for e-bikes on mode share and active mobility