Active commuting to work or school: associations with subjective well-being and work-life balance
An analysis of pedestrian crash trends and contributing factors in Texas
Characteristics of the social network of bike share members in New York City
Does neighborhood built environment support older adults' daily steps differ by time of day?
Exploring the trend of walkability measures by applying hierarchical clustering technique
Health implications of age and gender injury patterns of non-vehicle pedestrian trauma
Impact of built environment on walking in the case of Tehran, Iran
Implementation of school remote drop-off walking programs: results from qualitative interviews
Mental health and travel behaviour
Older drivers' experience with automated vehicle technology
Quantifying the health and economic benefits of active commuting in Scotland
Sleep behavior of New York City taxi drivers compared to the general US population
The effect of speed reductions on collisions: a controlled before-and-after study in Quebec, Canada
The Health-Oriented Transportation Model: estimating the health benefits of active transportation
The impact of emergent public health events on passengers' public transport dependence
The walking health: a route choice model to analyze the street factors enhancing active mobility
Use of natural experimental studies to evaluate 20mph speed limits in two major UK cities