A comparison of safety, health, and well-being risk factors across five occupational samples
Adverse childhood experiences among 28,047 Norwegian adults from a general population
Antidepressant use and suicide rates in adults aged 75 and above: a Swedish nationwide cohort study
Community violence exposure and school functioning in youth: cross-country and gender perspectives
Correlates of lifetime physical abuse among schoolchildren aged 15 years in post-communist Albania
Declaring racism a public health crisis in the United States: cure, poison, or both?
Demolishing the myth of the default human that is killing Black mothers
Development of a digital video-based occupational risk assessment method
Does ethnic diversity impact on risk perceptions, preparedness, and management of heat waves?
E-learning in teaching emergency disaster response among undergraduate medical students in Malaysia
Effects of cybervictimization on the mental health of primary school students
Feet/footwear-related fall risk screening tool for older adults: development and content validation
Functional limitations and perceived neighborhood walkability among urban dwelling older adults
How can i feel safe at home? Adolescents' experiences of family violence in Ghana
Impact of adverse childhood experiences on older adult poverty: mediating role of depression
Mining employees safety and the application of information technology in coal mining: review
Neighborhood environments and utilitarian walking among older vs. younger rural adults
Patient perspectives on hospital falls prevention education
People who die by suicide without receiving mental health services: a systematic review
Physical and mental health effects of bushfire and smoke in the Australian Capital Territory 2019-20
PTSD and suicidal behaviors amongst L'Aquila 2009 Earthquake young survivors
Racism and structural violence: interconnected threats to health equity
Road use pattern and street crossing habits of schoolchildren in India
Self-harm in aviation medicine-a complex challenge during a pandemic
Social support and suicide risk among Chinese university students: a mental health perspective
Sociodemographic analysis of suicide rates among older adults living in Ecuador: 1997-2019
Socioeconomic factors associated with reports of domestic violence in large Brazilian cities
State of post-injury first response systems in Nepal-a nationwide survey
Suicidal ideation is associated with excessive smartphone use among Chinese college students
The experience and perceived consequences of the 2016 Fort McMurray fires and evacuation
The health of firefighters deployed to the Fort McMurray fire: lessons learnt
The impact of armed conflict on the epidemiological situation of COVID-19 in Libya, Syria and Yemen
The impact of CoViD-19 lockdown on injuries in Saudi Arabia: results from a level-I trauma center
The influence of human-organizational factors on falling accidents from historical text data
The relationship between storey of buildings and fall risk
What we "cannot not know in America": 400 years of inequality and seven sins