A new integrated agent-based framework for designing building emergency evacuation: a BIM approach
An exploration of the nearest-shelter assumption in shelter location models
An impact-based forecast system developed for hydrometeorological hazards
Assessing the seismic resilience of a healthcare system: a hybrid modeling
Causes, impacts, and mitigation strategies of urban pluvial floods in India: a systematic review
Crowd dynamic-based model on the city-wide emergency transfer under catastrophic earthquakes
Geospatial modelling of post-cyclone Shaheen recovery using nighttime light data and MGWR
Hospital disaster preparedness in the Netherlands
How well prepared are we for disaster? The perspectives of informal carers of people with disability
Responding to mass displacement - a competency framework for built environment professionals
Safest-path planning approach for indoor fire evacuation
Spatial and component analysis of urban flood resiliency of Kunming City in China
Storm surges: exploring the role of experience and knowledge
The effect of broadleaf forests in wildfire mitigation in the WUI - a simulation study
The notion of validity in experimental crowd dynamics
Using photovoice for disaster and hazard preparedness: a methodological review
Utilising social media data to evaluate urban flood impact in data scarce cities