A critical discussion on the earthquake risk mitigation of urban cultural heritage assets
A smart phone-based system for post-earthquake investigations of building damage
Can the risk of coastal hazards be better communicated?
Critical infrastructure resilience: a Nordic model in the making?
Educating for post-disaster sustainability efforts
Emergency decision making for natural disasters: an overview
Extent of disaster courses delivery for the risk reduction in Rwanda
Flood risk perception of rural households in western mountainous regions of Henan Province, China
Integrating a national risk assessment into a disaster risk management system: process and practice
Local debris management planning and FEMA policies on disaster recovery in the United States
Local social services in disaster management: is there a Nordic model?
Location choice behavior adapting to flood and cyclone hazards
Natural-disaster shocks and government's behavior: evidence from middle-income countries
Partner selection in disaster relief: partnership formation in the presence of incompatible agencies
Psychological impacts of disaster on rescue workers: a review of the literature
Psychosocial support after natural disasters in Iceland-implementation and utilization
Real estate market response to enhanced building codes in Moore, OK
Self-evacuation archetypes in Australian bushfire
Should I stay or should I go? Mitigation strategies for flash flooding in India
Urban infrastructure safety system based on mobile crowdsensing