Critical attributes for proactive engagement of stakeholders in disaster risk management
Development of flood alert application in Mushim stream watershed Korea
Disasters as opportunity for change: tsunami recovery and energy transition in Japan
Earthquakes and human behavior: a sociological perspective
How much do disasters cost? A comparison of disaster cost estimates in Australia
In the heat of the moment: a local narrative of the responses to a fire in Lærdal, Norway
Participatory risk network analysis: a tool for disaster reduction practitioners
Perception of risk and coping capacity: a study in Jiadhal Basin, India
Police officers' learning in relation to emergency management: a case study
Pre-disaster planning and post-disaster aid: examining the impact of the great East Japan Earthquake
Reasons for non-compliance with cyclone evacuation orders in Bangladesh
Retrofitting for wildfire resilience: what is the cost?
Seismic risk reduction through indigenous architecture in Kashmir Valley
Sentiment analysis during Hurricane Sandy in emergency response
Social disruption by flooding, a European perspective
Territorial vulnerability assessment frame in Colombia: disaster risk management
The impact of a museum-based hazard education program on students, teachers and parents
The impact of information sources on earthquake preparedness
The role of Foresight in avoiding systematic failure of natural disaster risk management
What is the value of health emergency preparedness exercises? A scoping review study