A research into extra-thick compound mudstone roof roadway failure mechanism and security control
A theoretical method and its numerical simulation to calculate roof stress of coal floor
Application of affusion in coal for dust control
Application of the Concept "People-Oriented" to Improve the Working Team Safety Construction
Assessment method of water-inrush risk induced by fault activation and its application research
Basic Characteristics of Work Safety in China
Comparison and analysis of mine gas and heat
Deformation and support of roadways subjected to abnormal stresses
Design and traction power calculation of non-interval drag pipe nitrogen injection for fire control
Destress Blasting as a Mines Safety Tool: Some Fundamental Challenges for Successful Applications
Destress blasting in coal mining: State-of-the-art review
Dummy Variable Model Analysis With Law Factors on Safety Production in Chinese Coal Mine Industry
Effect of meshy obstacle on methane gas explosion
Inert technology application for fire treatment in dead end referred to high gassy mine
Influence of ventilation tube rupture from fires on secondary catastrophes in tunnel
Investigation of solid structure obstacles influence on flame propagation in semi-open tube
ISMSSE-Review of Early Warning System of Mine Safety in China
Keynote paper mine gas drainage and outburst control in Australian underground coal mines
Methane moving law with long gas extraction holes in goaf
Multi-field coupling laws of mixed gas in goaf
New progress on coal mine dust in recent ten years
Numerical analysis of failure mechanism of tunnel under different confining pressure
Numerical analysis on propagation characteristics and safety distance of gas explosions
Numerical simulation study of spontaneous combustion in goaf based on non-Darcy seepage
Optical fiber grating strain acceleration sensors ground vibration experimental research
Prevention and origin of exceptional deleterious gas compositions in coal mine
Research on a new fast airtight device for mine fire
Research on Establishing the Indexes System of Controlling the Coal and Gas Outburst Accident
Research on governance of potential safety hazard in Da'an mine goaf
Research on safety input research model for preventing coal gas explosion
Research on the rapid measurement technique of gas content
Research on Warnings with New Thought of Neuro-IE
Safety Incentive for Labor Workers in State-Owned Mine Enterprises in China
Statistical Analysis of China's Coal Mine Particularly Serious Accidents
Study and application on simulation and optimization system for the mine ventilation network
Study of soft rock roadway support technique
Study on coal spontaneous combustion characteristic structures affected by ionic liquids
Study on comprehensive technology of coal and gas outburst prevention in mining panels
Study on factors related to work stability of safety management in coal mining enterprises
Study on numerical simulation of the arrangement about mining roadway with short distance
Study on supporting wood fire induced by mine methane explosions
Study on the Dynamic Input-Output Model with Coal Mine Safety
Study on Unsafe Behavior Pre-control Method Based on Accidents Statistic
The Coal Mine Accident Causation Model Based on the Hazard Theory
The experimental study of type K or S condensed aerosol on inhibition of gas explosion
The research and development of prediction and simulation system for safety production
Theoretical research on hazards and accident prevention
Three-stage Optimal Method of Land-use Safety Planning for Chemical Industry Park