A third of Indian women who experience violence during pregnancy have complications
A young soccer player with sudden pain after kicking the ball
Activists welcome Delhi government's ban on "unscientific" two finger test for rape
Antidepressants and risk of suicide
Assessment and management of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia
Available evidence on risk of injury in youth rugby
Brain damage in American football
Changes in professional rugby and risk of injury in the youth game
Children whose parents attempted suicide are at raised risk of similar behaviour, study finds
Children's rugby: outdated view that risk of injury is character building
College sexual assault defense program for women halved rape risk
Doctors' suicides: economic considerations and beyond
Drinking on special occasions shows huge increase on people's typical drinking estimates
Drug overdose has become leading cause of death from injury in US
EuroTag rugby league: a semi-contact version of the game
One in four US children exposed to weapon violence, study finds
Preparedness explains some differences between Haiti and Nepal's response to earthquake
Preparedness explains some differences between Haiti and Nepal's response to earthquake
Research on youth rugby injuries in Northern Ireland
Road traffic fatalities in Greece have continued to fall during the financial crisis
Rugby injury surveillance and prevention programmes: are they effective?
Suicide in doctors while under fitness to practise investigation
The unknown risks of youth rugby
Torture and doctors' dual obligation
Two Indian states promise to enforce act that punishes violent attacks against doctors
US medical societies call for action on gun violence
Youth rugby injuries need to be prioritised by funding bodies
Youth suicide rate in rural US is nearly double that of urban areas, study finds (editorial)