24-hour-restraint stress induces long-term depressive-like phenotypes in mice
Auditory biological marker of concussion in children
Beyond eruptive scenarios: assessing tephra fallout hazard from Neapolitan volcanoes
Cannabis and tolerance: acute drug impairment as a function of cannabis use history
Changing motor perception by sensorimotor conflicts and body ownership
Characterization of blunt chest trauma in a long-term porcine model of severe multiple trauma
Children's altruistic behavior in context: the role of emotional responsiveness and culture
Delayed signatures of underground nuclear explosions
Differences in gray matter structure correlated to nationalism and patriotism
Different extent in decline of infant mortality by region and cause in Shenyang, China
Dramatic undercutting of piedmont rivers after the 2008 Wenchuan Ms 8.0 Earthquake
Effects of post-traumatic growth on the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex after a disaster
Elderly suicide trends in the context of transforming China, 1987-2014
Endocrine dysfunction following traumatic brain injury: a 5-year follow-up nationwide-based study
Erratum: Tsunami-generated magnetic fields may constrain focal mechanisms of earthquakes
Exploring the association between serum BDNF and attempted suicide
Genome-wide association study of aggressive behaviour in chicken
Global monsoon precipitation responses to large volcanic eruptions
Heritability of fear of humans in urban and rural populations of a bird species
Human behaviour can trigger large carnivore attacks in developed countries
Hydrogen sulfide-mechanisms of toxicity and development of an antidote
Improved emotional conflict control triggered by the processing priority of negative emotion
Individuals that are consistent in risk-taking benefit during collective foraging
Interpersonal violence and the prediction of short-term risk of repeat suicide attempt
Involvement of P2X7 receptor in neuronal degeneration triggered by traumatic injury
Mapping concentrations of posttraumatic stress and depression trajectories following Hurricane Ike
Mind-wandering tends to occur under low perceptual demands during driving
Near-trench slip potential of megaquakes evaluated from fault properties and conditions
Neural substrates and behavioral profiles of romantic jealousy and its temporal dynamics
Novelty during a late postacquisition time window attenuates the persistence of fear memory
Object-based encoding in visual working memory: evidence from memory-driven attentional capture
Open system tribology and influence of weather condition
Operational resilience: concepts, design and analysis
Optimized volume models of earthquake-triggered landslides
Patterns of cooperation during collective emergencies in the help-or-escape social dilemma
Perceived visual time depends on motor preparation and direction of hand movements
Physics of transportation: towards optimal capacity using the multilayer network framework
Population-weighted efficiency in transportation networks
Real-time estimation of wildfire perimeters from curated crowdsourcing
Recovery of infrastructure networks after localised attacks
Reduced brain activation in violent adolescents during response inhibition
Reduction of randomness in seismic noise as a short-term precursor to a volcanic eruption
Reference frames for reaching when decoupling eye and target position in depth and direction
Relation between brain temperature and white matter damage in subacute carbon monoxide poisoning
Relativistic-microwave theory of ball lightning
Statistically validated network of portfolio overlaps and systemic risk
Suicide risk associated with experience of violence and impulsivity in alcohol dependent patients
Tea-induced calmness: sugar-sweetened tea calms consumers exposed to acute stressor
The extrinsic coagulation pathway: a biomarker for suicidal behavior in major depressive disorder
The impact of non-severe burn injury on cardiac function and long-term cardiovascular pathology
Thermal explosion in oscillating ambient conditions
Traumatic brain injury causes aberrant migration of adult-born neurons in the hippocampus
Tsunami-generated magnetic fields may constrain focal mechanisms of earthquakes
Tsunamis caused by submarine slope failures along western Great Bahama Bank
Undermining and strengthening social networks through network modification