Adopting occupational health and safety management standards: the impact on financial performance in pharmaceutical firms in China
Challenges for nurses in disaster management: a scoping review
Effect of lowering the blood alcohol concentration limit to 0.03 among hospitalized trauma patients in southern Taiwan: a cross-sectional analysis
Intimate partner violence, its sociocultural practice, and its associated factors among women in central Ethiopia
Mental health problems in Chinese healthcare workers exposed to workplace violence during the CoViD-19 outbreak: a cross-sectional study using propensity score matching analysis
Prevalence of workplace bullying and its associated factors at a multi-regional Saudi Arabian hospital: a cross-sectional study
Prevalence of workplace violence and associated factors against nurses working in public health facilities in southern Ethiopia
Risk assessment of repeated suicide attempts among youth in Saudi Arabia
Sexual and gender-based violence among refugees and internally displaced persons in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: post-conflict scenario
The association between caustic ingestion and psychiatric comorbidity based on 396 adults within 20 years
The awareness of violence reporting system among healthcare providers and the impact of new Ministry of Health violence penalties in Saudi Arabia
The effect and mechanism of adverse childhood experience on suicide ideation in young cancer patients during coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic