3 step generic procedure to assess road safety: a case study of Egypt
A data quality case study for Turkish highway accident data sets
A new methodology for implementing road design guidelines in Thailand
A simulation-based traffic safety evaluation of signalized intersections
A statistical analysis of perceptive functional failures: driver behavior preceding collisions
Accident characteristics by road types on Singapore roads
Ambient intelligence in driving simulation for training young drivers
An approach for a more precise road scoring
An innovative approach to adressing heavy vehicle safety
Are speed cameras effective in reducing road crashes in the emirate of Abu Dhabi?
Assessment of road user behavioral aspects of relevance to traffic safety in UAE
Assessment of the crash database system of the United Arab Emirates
Assessment of traffic monitoring technologies of relevance to traffic safety in the UAE
Australia's new approach to road safety: how is the safe system approach bien implemented?
Automated road safety analysis using computer vision techniques
Automated truck platoons on motorways: a contribution to the safety on roads
Bicycle helmets, risk compensation and cyclist types
Bringing structure into road safety evaluation: a hierarchy of indicators
Characteristics of injury crashes in Dubai, UAE
Collection of road and roadside data to help address road safety risk
Computer aided road safety inspections
Criteria for age based design of active vehicle safety systems
Developing a road safety strategy for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
Development of a new driver behavior model through a novel object detection technique
Development of road safety network in Cambodia
Different designs of cycle tracks and lanes: the effect on objective and subjective safety
Differentiated rural speed limits: can this be done safely?
Drink-driving with heavy vehicles in Norway: prevalence accident risk and countermeasures
Drinking and driving project in Guangxi
Driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol and medicines: the "DRUID" project
Dubai pedestrian safety and mobility action plan
Effectiveness of a system of automatic speed control on national roads in Poland
Elderly driver traffic citations in Hawaii, 1996-2006
Evaluation of methods for pedestrian safety improvement on left-turning vehicles movement
Evaluation of road traffic accidents in Germany: need of data and analysis
Examples of approachable fatigue management practices in transport companies in the Netherlands
Experience of helmet wearing promotion and enforcement in Cambodia
Fatality analysis of intersection accidents in Bangladesh
Following the lives of accident victims and their families
GRSI Beijing project of improving vulnerable road users (VRU) safety at intersections
How to promote traffic safety among youth?: a multiple-approach plan from Luchemos por la Vida
Identification of accident black spots on rural highways in India: case study of Maharashtra state
Improving driver education with multimedia applications
In which way an NGO could help to improve traffic safety in a developing country?
In-depth investigation of severe and fatal roadway crashes in the emirate of Abu Dhabi, UAE
Influence of accident cause on ranking hazardous road sections
Integrated safety and security for transportation hubs
Integrated system for safe transportation of children to school: "SAFEWAY2SCHOOL"
Investigating drivers' behavior change by signal countdown devices at intersections in Beijing
Knowing your speed can save your life
Measuring the risk of road crashes
Mobile traffic safety integration with off board navigation-motion
Motorcyclist spinal injuries in road crashes: literature review
Multilevel data in traffic safety: a 5 x ST-level hierarchy
Naturalistic rider studies for the analysis of riders' behavior and safety: "2BESAFE"
Organizing for road safety in Bangladesh: some challenges and opportunities
Outcomes from a large scale road safety audit of the existing Dubai road network
Perception of unsafe behavior of road users
Promoting real life observations for gaining understanding of road user behavior in Europe
Quantitative assessment of used tires impact on road safety in developing countries
Recent road safety strategies in Hungary
Recommendations for the adjustment of existing rural roads towards self explaining roads
Research directions for guidelines in road safety engineering
Road safety in Tanzania: a questionnaire study
Saferider: CAN based architecture on 2-wheelers domain
Safety culture in bus transport compared to rail and air transport
Safety of wider edge lines in The USA
Setting appropriate posted speed limits in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
Setting up an indicator system for monitoring road safety using the road safety target hierarchy
Severity analysis of heavy vehicle accidents in Bangladesh
Speed and safety: evidence from highways in China
Speed enforcement in France: a decade of changes (2000-2009)
Status of traffic safety in the UAE
Stopping propensity at red lights in Saudi Arabia
Systematic traffic risk assessment: a useful tool that could be put into practice in Argentina
Video cameras as red light running countermeasure UAE experience
Vulnerable road user safety across several international regions