A low-tech approach to road safety engineering in urban areas
A new concept on the integration of driving simulators in driver training - the train-all approach
A novel program to enhance safety for young drivers in Israel
A systemic view on Swedish traffic road accident data acquisition system
An impact study of seat belt and helmet use in Thailand
An in-depth analysis of road crashes in Thailand
Analysis of bicycle crossing times at intersections for providing safer right of bicycle users
Benevolence and the value of road safety
Busdriver and passenger experiences and perceptions: bus safety situation in Thailand
Challenging efforts in promoting young motorcyclist safety in Indonesia
Comparison analysis of traffic accident data management systems in Korea and other countries
Comparison of highway accidents based on vehicle types in Thailand
Concept of pro-active traffic safety engineering management
Design of decision support system on urban road traffic safety management
Designing a model to identify and prioritize accident black-spots
Detection and prediction of drivers' microsleep events
Education and training of heavy vehicle drivers
Education and training of highway safety professionals in the United States
Evaluating measures in order to achieve safety targets
Evaluation of a drowsy driving system: a test track study
Factors leading to violation of traffic light rules among motorists in Malaysia
Fatality risks of intersection crashes in Bangladesh
Field road safety reviews in the province of Gujarat, India
Framework for real-time crash risk estimation: implications of random and matched samling schemes
Freedom to auto enjoyment contra freedom from traffic accidents
Implementing the European road safety observatory in the SafetyNet project
Improving road safety in developing countries using NetRisk: a road network risk management approach
Introduction of highway safety enhancement project in plain areas in China
Methods for evaluation of Electronic Stability Control (ESC): a literature review
Mobility, attitudes, risk and behavior of young drivers
Motorcycle crash characteristics in Thailand
New guidelines on collision prevention and reduction and UK-MoRSE
Pattern and socio-economic implications of road crashes in southwestern Nigeria
Pedestrian safety requires planning priority
Penalty points systems: efficient technique of enforcement and prevention
Quantification of accident potential on rural roads: a case study in Rajasthan (India)
Reasons for poor/non-use of crash helmets by commercial motorcyclists in Oyo state, Nigeria
Regional black spot treatment program: a Polish experience
Relationship between presence of passengers and freeway crash characteristics
Risky driving in fog: psychological explanations
Road accidents in Dhaka, Bangladesh: How to provide safer road?
Road deaths in developing countries: the challenge of dysfunctional roads
Road safety in Bangladesh and some recent advances
Road safety in the Czech Republic is related to human factors research
Road safety management and planning in Spain
Road safety management by objectives: a critical analysis of the Norwegian approach
Road traffic accidents and Cambodian university students: a case study in Phnom Penh municipality
Road traffic injury risk in Norway, road safety strategies and public health perspectives
Road traffic safety management system standard/ISO-RTS-MSS?
Run off the road accidents on motorways in Finland
Safety effects of variable speed limits at rural intersections
Selecting and prioritizing safety projects through the use of net present value analysis
Selection of control speeds in dynamic intelligent speed adaptation system: a preliminary analysis
Short term traffic volume prediction on NH-1 using time series analysis
Situational and driver-related factors associated with falling asleep at the wheel
Social and information campaigns to improve road safety
Study of pattern of fatal accidents for safe designing of vehicles
Studying the effect ot weather conditions on daily crash counts
Thailand road safety and introducing public participatory approach for black spot identification
The burden of fatalities resulting for road accidents: an epidemiological study of Iran
The effectivness of electronic stability control in reducing real world crashes: a literature review
The importance of consultation and cooperation from the perspective of a local Cambodian NGO
The value of an exclusive motorcycle lane in mix traffic: Malysian experience
Time of day and sleep deprivation effects on motorcyclists riding performances: a pilot study
Transparency, independence and in-depth with regard to safety oriented road accident investigation
Use of intelligent road studs to reduce vehicle-pedestrian conflicts at signalised junctions
Using GIS technology to enhance road safety in Singapore
Vehicle to vehicle communication how to prepare drivers for dangerous situations
Vision-based static precrash warning
Vulnerable road users - pedestrians in the Czech republic
Walkability of school surrounding environment and its impact on pedestrian behavior
Why do they avoid footbridges? Explaining jaywalkers through the Haddon matrix
Why traffic as a system is an important conceptual contribution to road safety teaching?
Zero inflated models based on real time traffic characteristics for predicting crash probabilities