"And you feel like you're suffocating … how the fuck am I going to get out of all this?" Drivers and experiences of suicidal ideation in the Australian construction industry
A brief treatment for veterans with PTSD: an open-label case-series study
A conceptual analysis of system responses to the issue of problematic sexual behaviors in children and recommendations for future work in Children's Advocacy Center multidisciplinary teams
A cross-sectional study of non-suicidal self-injury in a Chinese adolescent inpatient cohort
A descriptive analysis of children seeking medical attention for problematic sexualized behavior
A longitudinal mediation study of peer victimization and resting-state functional connectivity as predictors of development of adolescent psychopathology
A machine learning approach to identifying suicide risk among text-based crisis counseling encounters
A mixed method examination: how stigma experienced by autistic adults relates to metrics of social identity and social functioning
A phase 1/2 trial to assess safety and efficacy of a vaporized 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine formulation (GH001) in patients with treatment-resistant depression
A randomized 3-month, parallel-group, controlled trial of CALMA m-health app as an adjunct to therapy to reduce suicidal and non-suicidal self-injurious behaviors in adolescents: study protocol
A systematic review of the co-occurrence of self-harm and aggression: is dual harm a unique behavioural construct?
Aberrant salience in cannabis-induced psychosis: a comparative study
Abnormal attentional bias in individuals with suicidal ideation during an emotional Stroop task: an event-related potential study
Abnormal brain spontaneous activity in major depressive disorder adolescents with non-suicidal self injury and its changes after sertraline therapy
Abnormalities in electroencephalographic microstates among violent patients with schizophrenia
Age-related changes in prepulse inhibition of the startle response
Age-specific associations between serum cholesterol levels and suicidal behaviors in patients with depressive disorders: a naturalistic prospective observational cohort study
Alcohol and psychoactive substance use in a cohort of children followed by child protection in France
Alcohol drinking in male patients with chronic schizophrenia: prevalence and its relationship to clinical symptoms
An elderly patient with depression and a suicide attempt during the COVID-19 pandemic: a case report
Anxiety, depressive symptoms, and distress over the course of the war in Ukraine in three federal states in Germany
Association between life events, anxiety, depression and non-suicidal self-injury behavior in Chinese psychiatric adolescent inpatients: a cross-sectional study
Association between love breakup and suicidal ideation in Peruvian medical students: a cross-sectional study during the COVID-19 pandemic
Association between suicidal ideation and cognitive function in young patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder
Association between suicidal ideation and tandem repeats in contactins
Association between triglyceride glucose index and suicide attempts in patients with first-episode drug-naïve major depressive disorder
Association of adverse childhood experiences and cortical neurite density alterations with posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in autism spectrum disorder
Association of interleukin-6 with suicidal ideation in veterans: a longitudinal perspective
Associations between the use of psychedelics and other recreational drugs with mental health and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic
Attributable risk of suicide for populations in Australia
Being in-between; exploring former cult members' experiences of an acculturation process using the cultural formulation interview (DSM-5)
Beyond human expertise: the promise and limitations of ChatGPT in suicide risk assessment
Brain network changes in adult victims of violence
Brooding and neuroticism are strongly interrelated manifestations of the phenome of depression
Burnout, depression, and suicidal ideation among physicians before and during COVID-19 and the contribution of perfectionism to physicians' suicidal risk
Can glutathione be a biomarker for suicide risk in women 18 months postpartum?
Cannabis-assisted psychotherapy for complex dissociative posttraumatic stress disorder: a case report
Case conceptualization in child welfare: an underused resource to improve child, family, and provider outcomes
Case report: Co-occurring obsessive-compulsive disorder and affective psychotic disorder complicated by catatonia in an adolescent female patient
Case report: Psychosis and catatonia in an adolescent patient with adipsic hypernatremia and autoantibodies against the subfornical organ
Case report: suicide and inhibitions of thinking-an integrative view from traditional psychoanalytic and mentalizing perspectives
Case report: Treatment-resistant depression with acute psychosis in an adolescent girl with Cushing's syndrome
Case report: Treatment-resistant schizophrenia with auto-aggressive compulsive behavior-successful management with cariprazine
Challenges with using popular entertainment to address mental health: a content analysis of Netflix series 13 Reasons Why controversy in mainstream news coverage
Changes in microstates of first-episode untreated nonsuicidal self-injury adolescents exposed to negative emotional stimuli and after receiving rTMS intervention
Characteristics and associated factors of violence in male patients with schizophrenia in China
Characteristics and correlation of gray matter volume and somatic symptoms in adolescent patients with depressive disorder
Childhood adverse events and BDNF promoter methylation in later-life
Childhood trauma and suicide risk in hospitalized patients with schizophrenia: the sequential mediating roles of pandemic related post-traumatic stress symptoms, sleep quality, and psychological distress
Cigarette smoking and risk of suicide in bipolar disorder: a systematic review
Cognition, prior aggression, and psychopathic traits in relation to impaired multimodal emotion recognition in psychotic spectrum disorders
Community trauma exposure and post-traumatic stress disorder in Chinese children and adolescents
Correlations between negative life events and suicidal ideation among Chinese adolescents: a meta-analysis
Corrigendum: Initial development of perpetrator confrontation using deepfake technology in victims with sexual violence-related PTSD and moral injury
Corrigendum: Mandated or voluntary treatment of men who committed child sexual abuse: Is there a difference?
Cortical hierarchy disorganization in major depressive disorder and its association with suicidality
Cost comparison of in-person and telehealth modalities for a suicide safety planning group intervention: interim results from the "Project Life Force" randomized clinical trial
Crisis due to war: anxiety, depression and stress in the population of 13 Latin American countries
Criteria for detection of possible risk factors for mental health problems in undergraduate university students
Cultural adaptation, content, and protocol of a feasibility study of school-based "Let's learn about emotions" intervention for Finnish primary school children
Delta-8-THC association with psychosis: a case report with literature review
Depressive symptoms among people under COVID-19 quarantine or self-isolation in Korea: a propensity score matching analysis
Depressive symptoms and associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal care at Comprehensive Specialized Hospitals in Northwest Ethiopia, 2022: an institution-based cross-sectional study
Detecting depression of Chinese microblog users via text analysis: combining Linguistic Inquiry Word Count (LIWC) with culture and suicide related lexicons
Development and validation of a prediction nomogram for non-suicidal self-injury in female patients with mood disorder
Development of cannabis use disorder in medical cannabis users: a 9-month follow-up of a randomized clinical trial testing effects of medical cannabis card ownership
Development of depression detection algorithm using text scripts of routine psychiatric interview
Differences in the prevalence and clinical correlates of comorbid suicide attempts in patients with early- and late-onset major depressive disorder
Dimensional model of adolescent personality pathology, reflective functioning, and emotional maltreatment
Dissociated deficits of anticipated and experienced regret in at-risk suicidal individuals
Do media coverage of suicides and search frequency on suicides predict the number of tweets seeking others for a suicide pact?
Do the American guideline-based leisure time physical activity levels for civilians benefit the mental health of military personnel?
Drinking alcohol to cope with hyperactive ADHD? Self-reports vs. continuous performance test in patients with ADHD and/or alcohol use disorder
DSM-5 non-suicidal self-injury disorder in a community sample: comparing NSSI engagement, recency and severity among emerging adults
Economic evaluations of interventions focusing on child abuse and neglect in high-income countries: a systematic review
Editorial: A global perspective on suicidal behaviour and ideation: demographics, biomarkers and treatment
Editorial: Community series - Purple Haze: issues on cannabis legalization, volume II
Editorial: Community series in mental illness, culture, and society: dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic - Volume IV
Editorial: Current challenges and evidence-based medicine in psychiatric emergencies
Editorial: Current trends and challenges in the assessment of suicidal behavior: a psychometric approach
Editorial: Gambling, stigma, suicidality, and the internalization of the 'responsible gambling' mantra
Editorial: Machine learning in research on violence and general offending
Editorial: Mental health in a prison setting: implementation and practice (mhPIP)
Editorial: Mental health in correctional and criminal justice systems (CCJS): exploring how diagnosis, treatment and cultural differences impact pathway through the CCJS
Editorial: Self-harm behaviors from young adults to the elderly: prevalence, prevention and treatment following the COVID-19 pandemic
Editorial: The neurobiology of suicide: the 'suicidal brain'
Editorial: Violent relationships: acute and long-term implications
Effect of biological, psychological, and social factors on maternal depressive symptoms in late pregnancy: a cross-sectional study
Effect of childhood maltreatment on cognitive function and its relationship with personality development and social coping style in major depression disorder patients: a latent class model and network analysis
Effect of mindfulness on anxiety and depression in insomnia patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Effectiveness of online advanced C.A.R.E suicide prevention gatekeeper training program among healthcare lecturers and workers in National University of Malaysia: a pilot study
Effects of BPD tendencies and subjective well-being on NSSI in adolescents with PTSD
Effects of cannabis regulation in Switzerland: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial
Effects of gatekeeper trainings from the Austrian national suicide prevention program
Effects of physical exercise on non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents: the chain mediating role of perceived social support and self-concept
Electroconvulsive therapy portrayal in contemporary video games
Empathy deficit in male patients with schizophrenia and its relationships with impulsivity and premeditated violence
Erratum: Detecting suicide ideation in the era of social media: the population neuroscience perspective
Escaping through virtual gaming-what is the association with emotional, social, and mental health? A systematic review
Evaluation of cognitive and psychomotor faculties in relation to mood-related symptoms under the conditions of sleep deprivation
Evidence for the biopsychosocial model of suicide: a review of whole person modeling studies using machine learning
Examining terror management theory in Ukraine: impact of air-raid alarms and explosions on mental health, somatic symptoms, and well-being
Examining the relationship between non-suicidal self-injury and mental health among female Arab minority students: the role of identity conflict and acculturation stress
Exercise as an antidepressant: exploring its therapeutic potential
Exploring factors influencing domestic violence: a comprehensive study on intrafamily dynamics
Exploring the association of addiction-related genetic factors with non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents
Exploring the experience of meaning-centered group psychotherapy among Chinese cancer patients during active treatment: a descriptive qualitative study
Exploring the impact of childhood maltreatment and BPD on impulsivity in crimes of passion
Factors associated with hospitalization times and length of stay in patients with bipolar disorder
Factors associated with suicide in physicians: a silent stigma and public health problem that has not been studied in depth
Forensic, legal, and clinical aspects of deaths associated with implanted cardiac devices
Gender difference in the associations of childhood maltreatment and non-suicidal self-injury among adolescents with mood disorders
Gender differences in the association between anxiety symptoms and thyroid hormones in young patients with first-episode and drug naïve major depressive disorder
Gender, homelessness, hospitalization and methamphetamine use fuel depression among people who inject drugs: implications for innovative prevention and care strategies
General and violent recidivism of former forensic psychiatric patients in Finland
Guiding principles for the implementation of a standardized psychological autopsy to understand and prevent suicide: a stakeholder analysis
Hard-to-treat or hard-to-catch? Clinical features and therapeutic outcomes of help-seeking foster care youths with mood disorders
Heart rate variability may index emotion dysregulation in alcohol-related intimate partner violence
Height and subjective body image are associated with suicide ideation among Korean adolescents
High psychological stress levels related to delivery can increase the occurrence of postpartum mental disorders
High-risk group and functional subtypes of non-suicidal self-injury in young adults with mental disorders
Home-administered transcranial direct current stimulation with asynchronous remote supervision in the treatment of depression: feasibility, tolerability, and clinical effectiveness
How can childhood maltreatment affect post-traumatic stress disorder in adult: results from a composite null hypothesis perspective of mediation analysis
Identifying features of risk periods for suicide attempts using document frequency and language use in electronic health records
Impact of different interventions on preventing suicide and suicide attempt among children and adolescents in the United States: a microsimulation model study
Impact of pesticide regulations on mortality from suicide by pesticide in China: an interrupted time series analysis
Impacts of recreational cannabis legalization on use and harms: a narrative review of sex/gender differences
Impaired behavioral inhibitory control of self-injury cues between adolescents with depression with self-injury behavior and those without during a two-choice oddball task: an event-related potential study
Impaired emotional awareness is associated with childhood maltreatment exposure and positive symptoms in schizophrenia
Implementation of guidelines on prevention of coercion and violence: baseline data of the randomized controlled PreVCo study
Implementation of trauma-informed care and trauma-responsive services in clinical settings: a latent class regression analysis
Implying implausibility and undermining versus accepting peoples' experiences of suicidal ideation and self-harm in Emergency Department psychosocial assessments
Imprisonment following discharge from mental health units: a developing trend in New Zealand
Increased risk of postpartum depression in women with lactational mastitis: a cross-sectional study
Integrated behavioral health services in pediatric primary care and emergency department utilization for suicide risk
Investigating suicidality across the autistic-catatonic continuum in a clinical sample of subjects with major depressive disorder and borderline personality disorder
Involvement in bullying and sleep disorders in Chinese early adolescents
Is melancholia a distinct syndrome? Recurrence, chronicity, and severity give evidence in the 50 year follow-up of the Lundby Study
Ketamine study: Protocol for naturalistic prospective multicenter study on subcutaneous ketamine infusion in depressed patients with active suicidal ideation
Korean adolescent suicide and search volume for "self-injury" on internet search engines
Lethal and severe violence: characterizing Swedish female offenders with and without a severe mental disorder
Lifeboat ethics, risk, and therapeutic opportunity: an appeal for equitable psychedelic therapy access in the "high-risk" addiction patient
Linehan's biosocial model applied to emotion dysregulation in autism: a narrative review of the literature and an illustrative case conceptualization
Lived experience perspectives guiding improvements to the Systematic Tailored Assessment for Responding to Suicidality protocol
Longitudinal relationship between depression and antisocial behaviors in Korean adolescents
Machine learning techniques for identifying mental health risk factor associated with schoolchildren cognitive ability living in politically violent environments
Maladaptive cognitive regulation moderates the mediating role of emotion dysregulation on the association between psychosocial factors and non-suicidal self-injury in depression
Manic episode following psilocybin use in a man with bipolar II disorder: a case report
Matricide and schizophrenia- psychopathological, psychodynamic, and forensic aspects: a case report
Mediating effect of symptom severity on the relationship between aggression, impulsivity and quality of life outcomes among patients with schizophrenia and related psychoses
Mental health disorders, functioning and health-related quality of life among extensively hospitalized patients due to severe self-harm - results from the Extreme Challenges project
Mental illness stigma among perinatal women in low- and middle-income countries: early career psychiatrists' perspective
Mexican-origin parent and child reported neighborhood factors and youth substance use
Mild traumatic brain injury increases engagement in criminal behaviour 10 years later: a case-control study
Modafinil's effects on cognition and sleep quality in affectively-stable patients with bipolar disorder: a pilot study
Moral injury: understanding Swedish veterans who are assessed but not diagnosed with PTSD
Neuroimaging alterations of the suicidal brain and its relevance to practice: an updated review of MRI studies
Non-lethal suicidal behavior in university students of Spain during COVID-19
Non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal ideation among adolescents: the chain-mediating role of rumination and decentering
Non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal ideation among Chinese college students of childhood emotional abuse: associations with rumination, experiential avoidance, and depression
Non-suicidal self-injury function: prevalence in adolescents with depression and its associations with non-suicidal self-injury severity, duration and suicide
Non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents with mood disorders and the roles of self-compassion and emotional regulation
Non-violent resistance parental training versus treatment as usual for children and adolescents with severe tyrannical behavior: a randomized controlled trial
Novel paradigms for the gut-brain axis during alcohol withdrawal, withdrawal-associated depression, and craving in patients with alcohol use disorder
Nutritional factors associated with aggression
Offenders and non-offenders with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: do they really differ in known risk factors for aggression?
Out of their minds? Externalist challenges for using AI in forensic psychiatry
Patient satisfaction and outcomes of crisis resolution home treatment for the management of acute psychiatric crises: a study during the COVID-19 pandemic in Madrid
Patterns of mental healthcare provision in rural areas: a demonstration study in Australia and Europe
Perceived COVID-19 stress and online aggression among Chinese first-year college students: a moderated mediation model
Perspectives of parents of adolescents with repeated non-suicidal self-injury on sharing their caretaking experiences with peers: a qualitative study
Pica in a girl with non-suicidal self-injury: a case report
Pinpointing change in virtual reality assisted treatment for violent offenders: a pilot study of Virtual Reality Aggression Prevention Training (VRAPT)
Post-traumatic stress disorder and associated factors among adult war survivors in Northwest Ethiopia: Community-based, cross-sectional study
Predicting suicide attempts among Norwegian adolescents without using suicide-related items: a machine learning approach
Predictors of prospective suicide attempts in a group at risk of personality disorder following self-poisoning
Predictors of psychiatric hospitalization among outpatients with bipolar disorder in the real-world clinical setting
Prescription drug dependence with and without concurrent illicit drug use: a multicenter cross-sectional survey among an addiction treatment seeking population
Presence of kratom in opioid overdose deaths: findings from coroner postmortem toxicological report
Prevalence and associated clinical factors for overweight and obesity in young first-episode and drug-naïve Chinese patients with major depressive disorder
Prevalence and influencing factors of suicide in first-episode and drug-naive young major depressive disorder patients with impaired fasting glucose: a cross-sectional study
Prevalence of depression in junior and senior adolescents
Prevention of suicides associated with global warming: perspectives from early career psychiatrists
Probable depression and its correlates among undergraduate students in Johannesburg, South Africa
Protest suicide: considerations for psychiatrists and psychologists
Psychiatric trainees as second victims after exposure to patient suicide: a French qualitative study
Psychological intervention priorities according to perinatal women who experienced suicidal thoughts and perinatal mental health professionals: a Q-methodology study
Psychological well-being and associated factors among parents of adolescents with non-suicidal self-injury: a cross-sectional study
Psychometric properties of the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 among Hong Kong young adults in 2021: associations with meaning in life and suicidal ideation
Psychometric validation of concerning behavior scale in Iranian children and young people with autism spectrum disorder
Psychomotor performances relevant for driving under the combined effect of ethanol and synthetic cannabinoids: a systematic review
Psychopathology in female offenders of terrorism and violent extremism: a systematic review
Psychosocial therapeutic approaches for high-functioning autistic adults
Randomized pilot trial of the "Mom Power" trauma- and attachment-informed multi-family group intervention in treating and preventing postpartum symptoms of depression among a health disparity sample
Reduced suicidality after electroconvulsive therapy is linked to increased frontal brain activity in depressed patients: a resting-state fMRI study
Relationship between self-esteem and suicidal ideation before and during COVID-19 in a non-clinical sample: mediating effects of psychological distress and hopelessness
Relationships between childhood trauma and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: a network analysis
Relationships between internalized stigma and depression and suicide risk among queer youth in the United States: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Relationships of walking activity with depressed mood and suicidal ideation among the middle-aged Korean population: a nationwide cross-sectional study
Relationships reduce risks for child maltreatment: results of an experimental trial of infant mental health home visiting
RETRACTION: Moderating role of compassion in the link between fear of Coronavirus disease and mental health among undergraduate students
Retrospective analysis of clinical characteristics and treatment of children and adolescents with depression
Retrospective analysis of quantitative electroencephalography changes in a dissimulating patient after dying by suicide: a single case report
Risk factors for violence among female forensic inpatients with schizophrenia
Safety, tolerability, and clinical and neural effects of single-dose psilocybin in obsessive-compulsive disorder: protocol for a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, non-crossover trial
School-based mental health promotion: A global policy review
Selectively predicting the onset of ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, and conduct disorder in early adolescence with high accuracy
Self-reported low self-esteem due to poor maternal care improves with the existential approach in bipolar disorder: a case report
Separate units for incarcerated people who committed sexual offenses: luxury or necessity?
Severity related neuroanatomical and spontaneous functional activity alteration in adolescents with major depressive disorder
Sex differences in the factors that affect medical lethality in elderly suicide attempters
Sexual orientation and psychotic-like experiences among Chinese college students: the role of gender
Shifting attitudes toward suicide over time: a latent profile analysis using the Korea National Suicide Survey
Social anxiety and suicidal ideation among middle-school students in China: a mediation model of internet addiction
Social control and self-control: factors linking exposure to domestic violence and adolescents' Internet gaming addiction
Social exclusion evokes different psychophysiological responses in individuals high on the psychopathy facets fearless dominance and self-centered impulsivity
Social media consumption and depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 lockdown: the mediating effect of physical activity
Spatiotemporal clustering of suicide attempt in Kermanshah, West-Iran
Striking a balance: triage and crisis intervention models within the pediatric emergency room
Suicidal behavior in persons attended in out-of-hospital emergency services in Spain
Suicidal ideation and psychological dating violence victimization-a short report
Suicidal ideation, attempt and associated factor among secondary school students in Harari regional state, Eastern Ethiopia. A multi-center cross-sectional study
Suicidal ideation, attempt and associated factors among people with cancer attending cancer center, eastern Ethiopia
Suicidal ideation, burnout, and their correlation among health care workers at the end of the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Alborz Province, Iran
Suicidality and epilepsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Suicide deaths and substance use in the Galician provinces between 2006 and 2020
Suicide ideation in older people: a qualitative review and meta-aggregation of Asian studies
Suicide prevention and ketamine: insights from computational modeling
Suicide risk detection using artificial intelligence: the promise of creating a benchmark dataset for research on the detection of suicide risk
Suicide stigma and suicide literacy among Bangladeshi young adults: a cross-sectional study
Symptoms characteristics of personality disorders associated with suicidal ideation and behaviors in a clinical sample of adolescents with a depressive disorder
Systematic review and rationale of using psychedelics in the treatment of cannabis use disorder
Tattoos, piercings, and symptoms of ADHD in non-clinical adults: a cross-sectional study
THC exposure during adolescence increases impulsivity-like behavior in adulthood in a WIN 55,212-2 self-administration mouse model
The 9-item Concise Health Risk Tracking - Self-Report (CHRT-SR(9)) measure of suicidal risk: performance in adult primary care patients
The amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation characteristics in depressed adolescents with suicide attempts: a resting-state fMRI study
The association between childhood trauma and adolescent cyberbullying: chain mediating roles of emotional intelligence and online social anxiety
The association between domestic violence exposure and cyberbullying behavior among secondary school students
The association of FKBP5 polymorphisms with the severity of depressive disorder in patients with methamphetamine use disorders
The collaborative assessment and management of suicidality compared to enhanced treatment as usual for inpatients who are suicidal: a randomized controlled trial
The effect of life events, resilience, self-esteem, and coping styles on aggressive behavior among left-behind adolescents: structural equation modeling
The effect of stressful life events on the risk for psychosis: differences between Mexican at clinical and familial high risk
The effects of adverse childhood experiences on depression and suicidal behaviors are partially mediated by neuroticism: a subclinical manifestation of major depression
The effects of childhood maltreatment on adolescent non-suicidal self-injury behavior: mediating role of impulsivity
The effects of family environment cognition and its difference perceived by adolescents and their parents on the treatment effect of non-suicidal self-injury behaviors in adolescents: a 1-year prospective cohort study
The efficacy of mindfulness-based therapy for anxiety, social skills, and aggressive behaviors in children and young people with autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review
The expansion of vanity of Simon in a portrait of the artist as a young man
The five self-harm behavior groupings measure: empirical and thematic data from a novel comprehensive self-harm assessment
The impact of a telephone hotline on suicide attempts and self-injurious behaviors in patients with borderline personality disorder
The impact of childhood maltreatment on aggression, criminal risk factors, and treatment trajectories in forensic psychiatric patients
The impact of mental health stigma in a young Malaysian lady with recurrent suicidal ideations and moribund presentations to the emergency department: a case report
The impact of the peer effect on adolescent drinking behavior: instrumental-variable evidence from China
The influence of depressive symptoms and school-going status on risky behaviors: a pooled analysis among adolescents in six sub-Saharan African countries
The influence of peer's social networks on adolescent's cannabis use: a systematic review of longitudinal studies
The interaction of the oxytocin receptor gene and child abuse subtypes on social cognition in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder type I
The mediating role of attachment and anger: exploring the impact of maternal early-life maltreatment on child abuse potential
The mental health impact of the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war 6 months after the Russian invasion of Ukraine
The opinions of community-centered engagement and health care during and after COVID-19 pandemic
The prevalence of underweight and obesity in Chinese children and adolescents with major depressive disorder and relationship with suicidal ideation and attempted suicide
The relationship between depressive mood and non-suicidal self-injury among secondary vocational school students: the moderating role of borderline personality disorder tendencies
The relationship between fall and loneliness among older people in China: the mediating role of personality trait
The relationship of history of psychiatric and substance use disorders on risk of dementia among racial and ethnic groups in the United States
The Suicidal Intrusions Attributes Scale (SINAS): a new tool measuring suicidal intrusions
The truth project paper one-how did victims and survivors experience participation? Addressing epistemic relational inequality in the field of child sexual abuse
The ventral capsule and ventral striatum--Stereotactic targets for the management of treatment-resistant depression. A systematic literature review
The weaponization of medicine: early psychosis in the Black community and the need for racially informed mental healthcare
Toward explainable AI (XAI) for mental health detection based on language behavior
Transdiagnostic association between subjective insomnia and depressive symptoms in major psychiatric disorders
Transgender individuals are at higher risk for suicidal ideation and preparation than cisgender individuals in substance use treatment
Trauma-related guilt as a mediator between post-traumatic stress disorder and suicidal ideation
Traumatic stress symptoms and PTSD risk in children served by children's advocacy centers
Traumatized German soldiers with moral injury - value-based cognitive-behavioral group therapy to treat war-related shame
Treating maternal depression: understanding barriers and facilitators to repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment in Canada-a protocol
Two years COVID-19 pandemic: development of university students' mental health 2020-2022
Types of suicide pacts: a comparative analysis using the National Violent Death Reporting System
Understanding and preventing nonadherence and treatment dropout in adolescents and young adults with anxiety and depressive disorders
Understanding medical aspects of violent crimes in Sweden's region Skåne: a retrospective cross-sectional design of the ViCS project
Understanding the roles of the healthcare and child welfare systems in promoting the safety and well-being of children
Universal prevention for non-suicidal self-injury in adolescents is scarce - a systematic review
Unveiling a novel clinical risk assessment model for identifying non-suicidal self-injury risks in depressed Chinese adolescents amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: insights from low self-esteem, internet use, and sleep disturbance
Urgent psychiatric consultations for suicide attempt and suicidal ideation before and after the COVID-19 pandemic in an Italian pediatric emergency setting
Using iterative random forest to find geospatial environmental and Sociodemographic predictors of suicide attempts
Using the modified socio-ecological model to address stigma against non-suicidal self-injury among adolescents in Malaysia
Validation of a violence risk screening for youth in psychiatric inpatient care-a pilot study of V-RISK-Y
Validation of the Farsi version of the Suicide Ideation and Behavior Scale
Validity and reliability of a Chinese language suicide screening questionnaire-observer rating (CL-SSQ-OR) assessment for children/adolescents
Validity of an online, self-administered Timeline Followback for alcohol use with adolescents
Violent behavior and the network properties of psychopathological symptoms and real-life functioning in patients with schizophrenia
Virtually screening adults for depression, anxiety, and suicide risk using machine learning and language from an open-ended interview
Vox clamantis in deserto: a survey among Italian psychiatrists on defensive medicine and professional liability
What factors should we modify to promote high functioning and prevent functional decline in people with schizophrenia?
What is important to service users and staff when implementing suicide-focused psychological therapies for people with psychosis into mental health services?
Worsening psychosis associated with administrations of buspirone and concerns for intranasal administration: a case report
Youth sexual offending in Hong Kong: examining the role of self-control, risky sexual behaviors, and paraphilic interests