Adventure thrills are addictive
Affective responses after different intensities of exercise in patients with traumatic brain injury
An evaluation of the measurement properties of the five Cs model of positive youth development
Appetitive aggression in women: comparing male and female war combatants
Arousal and exposure duration affect forward step initiation
Behavioral and neurophysiological signatures of benzodiazepine-related driving impairments
Being watched by others eliminates the effect of emotional arousal on inhibitory control
Cerebral correlates of automatic associations towards performance enhancing substances
Child abuse predicts adult PTSD symptoms among individuals diagnosed with intellectual disabilities
Complaints as starting point for vicious cycles in customer-employee-interactions
Current insights in the development of children's motor imagery ability
Decision-making competence predicts domain-specific risk attitudes
Delayed disengagement of attention from snakes in children with autism
Disambiguating ambiguous motion perception: what are the cues?
Distinctive effects of fear and sadness induction on anger and aggressive behavior
Do not play God: contrasting effects of deontological guilt and pride on decision-making
Do we harm others even if we don't need to?
Effects of an emotional intelligence program in variables related to the prevention of violence
Enhanced memory for both threat and neutral information under conditions of intergroup threat
Events and children's sense of time: a perspective on the origins of everyday time-keeping
Expertise and decision-making in American football
Fear and anger have opposite effects on risk seeking in the gain frame
Global-local visual processing impacts risk taking behaviors, but only at first
Happiness in action: the impact of positive affect on the time of the conscious intention to act
How victim sensitivity leads to uncooperative behavior via expectancies of injustice
Impulsive people have a compulsion for immediate gratification-certain or uncertain
Increased risk taking in relation to chronic stress in adults
Just entertainment: effects of TV series about intrigue on young adults
Learned fear to social out-group members are determined by ethnicity and prior exposure
Long-lasting virtual motorcycle-riding trainer effectiveness
Melancholia before the twentieth century: fear and sorrow or partial insanity?
Motor and cognitive growth following a football training program
Observing social exclusion leads to dehumanizing the victim
Online communication as a window to conspiracist worldviews
Parents' perception of children's fear: from FSSC-IT to FSSC-PP
Positive Emotional Language in the Final Words Spoken Directly Before Execution
Prison brain? Executive dysfunction in prisoners
Retrospective Ratings of Emotions: the Effects of Age, Daily Tiredness, and Personality
Risky decision-making is associated with residential choice in healthy older adults
Social anxiety under load: the effects of perceptual load in processing emotional faces
Statistician, heal thyself: fighting statophobia at the source
The adaptive value associated with expressing and perceiving angry-male and happy-female faces
The causal cognition of wrong doing: incest, intentionality, and morality
The development of a sense of control scale
The effects of subjective loss of control on risk-taking behavior: the mediating role of anger
The hand grasps the center, while the eyes saccade to the top of novel objects
The mental representation of the human gait in young and older adults
The resilience function of character strengths in the face of war and protracted conflict
The smell of death: evidence that putrescine elicits threat management mechanisms
Victimization experiences and the stabilization of victim sensitivity
Walking indoors, walking outdoors: an fMRI study