"Bumps in the road": a pilot study of a therapeutic technique for the integration of unresolved family loss and trauma
"Drunk people are on a different level": a qualitative study of reflections from students about transitioning and adapting to United Kingdom university as a person who drinks little or no alcohol
"No more insecurities": new alternative masculinities' communicative acts generate desire and equality to obliterate offensive sexual statements
"Tell someone," to both women and men
"The referee plays to be insulted!": an exploratory qualitative study on the Spanish football referees' experiences of aggression, violence, and coping
"Three steps above heaven? Really? That's all tactic!" New alternative masculinities dismantling dominant traditional masculinity's strategies
A field-based approach to determine soft tissue injury risk in elite futsal using novel machine learning techniques
A perceived zone of certainty and uncertainty: propositions for research development
A short media training session is effective in reinforcing psychiatrists' communication skills about suicide
A study on the correlation between media usage frequency and audiences' risk perception, emotion and behavior
A suicide monitoring and crisis intervention strategy based on knowledge graph technology for "Tree Hole" microblog users in China
Abusive sexting in adolescence: prevalence and characteristics of abusers and victims
Addressing the interactive effects of maltreatment and CoViD-19 related stressors on the neuropsychological functioning in children
Adolescent attachment profiles are associated with mental health and risk-taking behavior
Adolescent empathy influences bystander defending in school bullying: a three-level meta-analysis
Adolescents' popularity-motivated aggression and prosocial behaviors: the roles of callous-unemotional traits and social status insecurity
Adrenocortical activity and aggressive behavior in children: a longitudinal study on risk and protective effects
Adverse childhood experiences and early maladaptive schemas as predictors of cyber dating abuse: an actor-partner interdependence mediation model approach
Affective ratings of pictures related to interpersonal situations
Aggression dimensions among athletes practising martial arts and combat sports
Aggression, moral disengagement and empathy. a longitudinal study within the interpersonal dynamics of bullying
Aggressiveness in judokas and team athletes: predictive value of personality traits, emotional intelligence and self-efficacy
Albert Camus - A Psychobiographical Approach in Times of Covid-19
Alcohol, aggression, and violence: from public health to neuroscience
Applied improvisation enhances the effects of behavioral activation on symptoms of depression and PTSD in high school students affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake
Applying an evolutionary approach of risk-taking behaviors in adolescents
Assessment of neuropsychological function in veterans with blast-related mild traumatic brain injury and subconcussive blast exposure
Association of different forms of child maltreatment with peer victimization in Mexican children and adolescents
Association of self-compassion with suicidal thoughts and behaviors and non-suicidal self injury: a meta-analysis
Associations between self, peer, and teacher reports of victimization and social skills in school in children with language disorders
Attention or distraction? The impact of mobile phone on users' psychological well-being
Attentional bias in alcohol and cannabis use disorder outpatients as indexed by an odd-one-out visual search task: evidence for speeded detection of substance cues but not for heightened distraction
Attentional focus instructions do not affect choice reaction time
Attitudes toward four levels of self-driving technology among elderly drivers
Brain injury and mental health among the victims of intimate partner violence: a case-series exploratory study
Building capacity for prevention of gender-based violence in the school context
Bullying in the Russian secondary school: predictive analysis of victimization
Bystander roles in cyberbullying: a mini-review of who, how many, and why
Cessation of deliberate self-harm behavior in patients with borderline personality traits treated with outpatient dialectical behavior therapy
Changes in violence and clinical distress among men in individual psychotherapy for violence against their female partner: an explorative study
Character strengths predict subjective well-being, psychological well-being, and psychopathological symptoms, over and above functional social support
Characteristics associated with high-intensity binge drinking in alcohol use disorder
Childhood emotional maltreatment and romantic relationships: the role of compassionate goals
Childhood separation from parents and self-harm in adolescence: a cross-sectional study in mainland China
Choosing death over survival: a need to identify evolutionary mechanisms underlying human suicide
Classification of drivers' workload using physiological signals in conditional automation
Climate denial fuels climate change discussions more than local climate-related disasters
Community case study: stack up's overwatch program, an online suicide prevention and peer support program for video gamers
Community violence exposure and externalizing problem behavior among Chinese high school students: the moderating role of parental knowledge
Comparison of Psychometric Characteristics for Five Versions of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire in Teenagers Sample
Compromised conscience: a scoping review of moral injury among firefighters, paramedics, and police officers
Confusion effects of facial expression recognition in patients with major depressive disorder and healthy controls
Conspiracy theories: a public health concern and how to address it
Construct validity and test-retest reliability of the automated vehicle user perception survey
Convergent and Discriminant Validity of the Test of Passive Aggression in a Psychotherapy Outpatient Sample
Corrigendum: A theory-based longitudinal investigation examining predictors of self-harm in adolescents with and without bereavement experiences
Corrigendum: Defeat, Entrapment, and Positive Future Thinking: Examining Key Theoretical Predictors of Suicidal Ideation Among Adolescents (Front. Psychol., (2021), 12, 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.590388)
Counterintuitive pseudoscience propagates by exploiting the mind's communication evaluation mechanisms
Creating learning environments free of violence in special education through the dialogic model of prevention and resolution of conflicts
Cultural management of terror and worry during the CoViD-19 pandemic: how religiosity and a dream of human solidarity help the Polish people cope
Culturally grounded scapegoating in response to illness and the CoViD-19 pandemic
Cyclists' perception of maintenance and operation of cycling infrastructure-results from a Norwegian survey
Decision making and impulsivity in young adult cannabis users
Deontological and altruistic guilt feelings: a dualistic thesis
Designing "safer water." a virtual reality tool for the safety and the psychological well-being of citizens exposed to the risk of natural disasters
Determinants of a variety of deviant behaviors: an analysis of family satisfaction, personality traits, and their relationship to deviant behaviors among Filipino adolescents
Development and psychometric properties of the test of passive aggression
Development and validation of the ethnic moral disengagement scale
Development and validation of the teen dating aggression measure among Canadian youth
Development of the Japanese version of the State Self-Compassion Scale (SSCS-J)
Developmental trajectory of inattention and its association with depressive symptoms in adolescence: peer relationships as a mediator
Dialogic feminist gathering and the prevention of gender violence in girls with intellectual disabilities
Differences in mood, optimism, and risk-taking behavior between American and Chinese college students
Different populations agree on which moral arguments underlie which opinions
Discounting, cognitive inflexibility, and antisocial traits as predictors of adolescent drug involvement
Does perceived stress of university students affected by preferences for movie genres? An exploratory cross-sectional study in China
Does workplace bullying produce employee voice and physical health issues? Testing the mediating role of emotional exhaustion
Dysfunctional timing in traumatic brain injury patients: co-occurrence of cognitive, motor, and perceptual deficits
Editorial: Advancing theory of suicide and non-suicidal self-injury
Editorial: Child-to-parent violence: challenges and perspectives in current society
Effects of a teacher-training violence prevention program in Jamaican preschools on child behavior, academic achievement, and school attendance in grade one of primary school: follow up of a cluster randomized trial
Effects of educative materials on doctors' intention to initiate life-saving procedures after a suicide attempt: randomised controlled trial
Effects of experiential learning programmes on adolescent prosocial behaviour, empathy, and subjective well-being: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Effects of information overload, communication overload, and inequality on digital distrust: a cyber-violence behavior mechanism
Embodied irrationality? Knowledge avoidance, willful ignorance, and the paradox of autonomy
Emotion differentiation and youth mental health: current understanding and open questions
Emotion regulation and self-harm among forensic psychiatric patients
Emotional assessment in Spanish youths with antisocial behavior
Emotional peer support interventions for students with SEND: a systematic review
Empowering through psychodrama: a qualitative study at domestic violence shelters
Evaluating female experiences of electronic dating violence in Jordan: motivations, consequences, and coping strategies
Evaluation of mental load of drivers in long highway tunnel based on electroencephalograph
Experiences and perspectives of traditional bullying and cyberbullying among adolescents in Mainland China-implications for policy
Family and psychosocial functioning in bipolar disorder: the mediating effects of social support, resilience and suicidal ideation
Fear from afar, not so risky after all: distancing moderates the relationship between fear and risk taking
Fear of evaluation and online self-disclosure on WeChat: moderating effects of protective face orientation
Fear of missing out predicts distraction by social reward signals displayed on a smartphone in difficult driving situations
Fear of the unknown: does fear of terrorism differ from fear of contracting COVID-19?
Finding one's footing when everyone has an opinion. negotiating an acceptable identity after sexual assault
Finding someone to blame: the link between CoViD-19 conspiracy beliefs, prejudice, support for violence, and other negative social outcomes
Gender differences in psychological impact of the confinement during the COVID-19 outbreak in Spain: a longitudinal study
Gender-specific differences in depressive behavior among forensic psychiatric patients
Girls' stuff? Maternal gender stereotypes and their daughters' fear
Greater knowledge enhances complainant credibility and increases jury convictions for child sexual assault
Greenway cyclists' visual perception and landscape imagery assessment
Growing up with terrorism: the age at which a terrorist attack was suffered and emotional disorders in adulthood
Guilt and shame of what might have been in optimistic offender drivers
Hazard perception, presence, and simulation sickness-a comparison of desktop and head-mounted display for driving simulation
Higher negative self-reference level in patients with personality disorders and suicide attempt(s) history during biological treatment for major depressive disorder: clinical implications
Higher residence attachment and religiosity are associated with less depressive symptoms after terror event exposure
Homicide, inequality, and climate: untangling the relationships
How does job insecurity affect workplace harassment? The interaction effect of hypercompetitive attitude, coworker impression management, and leader narcissism
Inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity in deaf children are not due to deficits in inhibitory control, but may reflect an adaptive strategy
Increases in stressors prior to-versus during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States are associated with depression among middle-aged mothers
Increasing bike-sharing users' willingness to pay - a study of China based on perceived value theory and structural equation model
Individual and environmental correlates of adolescents' moral decision-making in moral dilemmas
Infanticide and human self domestication
Influence factors for decision-making performance of suicide attempters and suicide ideators: the roles of somatic markers and explicit knowledge
Influence of the manner of information presentation on risky choice
Innovating technology-enhanced interventions for youth suicide: insights for measuring implementation outcomes
Insensitive players? A relationship between violent video game exposure and recognition of negative emotions
Integrating rough-and-tumble play in martial arts: a practitioner's model
Internet addiction and emotional and behavioral maladjustment in Mainland Chinese adolescents: cross-lagged panel analyses
Intrapersonal and interpersonal functions as pathways to future self-harm repetition and suicide attempts
Job stress and burnout among employees working in terrorist-ridden areas
Jordanian men's experience of emotional abuse in marital relationships: the role of marriage length and motivation
Life with corona: increased gender differences in aggression and depression symptoms due to the CoViD-19 pandemic burden in Germany
Loneliness and social functioning in adolescent peer victimization
Long-term profiles of bullying victims and aggressors: a retrospective study
Looking beyond assumptions to understand relationship dynamics in bullying
Malaysian stakeholder perspectives on suicide-related reporting: findings from focus group discussions
Mapping positions on forgiving an aggressor in sport
Maternal history of adverse experiences and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms impact toddlers' early socioemotional wellbeing: the benefits of infant mental health-home visiting
Mediational role of mental toughness on the relationship between self-efficacy and prosocial/antisocial behavior in elite youth sport
Mental health, sport, and positive youth development in prison systems: how can we move research and practice forward?
Mobile phone use "on the road": a self-report study on young drivers
Multiple mediating effects of conflicts with parents and self-esteem on the relationship between economic status and depression among middle school students since COVID-19
Neuroscience, empathy, and violent crime in an incarcerated population: a narrative review
No association between autonomic functioning and psychopathy and aggression in multi-problem young adults
No association between suicidality and weight among school-attending adolescents in the United Arab Emirates
Non-intimate relationships and psychopathic interpersonal and affective deficits as risk factors for criminal career: a comparison between sex offenders and other offenders
Older adults who experience their lives to be completed and no longer worth living: a systematic mini-review into used terminology, definitions, and interpretations
Ontological security, trauma and violence, and the protection of women: polygamy among minority communities
Paint it red - a multimethod study of the nudging effect of coloured cycle lanes
Pandemic nightmares: CoViD-19 lockdown associated with increased aggression in female university students' dreams
Parenting style and cyber-aggression in Chinese youth: the role of moral disengagement and moral identity
Paternalistic leadership and safety participation of high-speed railway drivers in China: the mediating role of leader-member exchange
Pathways from family violence to adolescent violence: examining the mediating mechanisms
People judge discrimination against women more harshly than discrimination against men - does statistical fairness discrimination explain why?
Perceived discrimination and aggression among Chinese migrant adolescents: a moderated mediation model
Perceived impact of quarantine on loneliness, death obsession, and preoccupation with God: predictors of increased fear of COVID-19
Perception of faces and elaboration of gender and victim/aggressor stereotypes: the influence of internet use and of the perceiver's personality
Perfectionism classes and aggression in adolescents
Personality traits and escape behavior in traffic accidents: experiment and modeling analysis
Pharmacotherapy of primary impulsive aggression in violent criminal offenders
Physical activity is associated with sleep quality: results of the ESSE-RF Epidemiological Study
Positive effects of prosocial cartoon viewing on aggression among children: the potential mediating role of aggressive motivation
Positive university environment and agreeableness as protective factors against antisocial behavior in Mexican university students
Posttraumatic stress symptoms among polyvictimized women in the Colombian armed conflict: the mediating role of social acknowledgment
Predicting deviant behaviors in sports using the extended theory of planned behavior
Predictive model of the factors involved in cyberbullying of adolescent victims
Prejudice and ethnic bullying among children: the role of moral disengagement and student-teacher relationship
Prevalence and risk factors of dance injury during CoViD-19: a cross-sectional study from university students in China
Prevalence of various traumatic events including sexual trauma in a clinical sample of patients with an eating disorder
Prioritizing indecent image offenders: a systematic review and economic approach to understand the benefits of evidence-based policing strategies
PRO-Mueve Relaciones Sanas - a gender-based violence prevention program for adolescents: assessment of its efficacy in the first year of intervention
Profiles of maladjustment and interpersonal risk factors in adolescents
PSIXPORT: mobile app for ecological momentary assessment of psychological dimensions in sport injury
Psychological balance scale: validation studies of an integrative measure of well-being
Psychological Burden and Psycho-Oncological Interventions for Patients With Hepatobiliary Cancers-A Systematic Review
Psychological contract violation or basic need frustration? Psychological mechanisms behind the effects of workplace bullying
Psychological distress model among Iranian pre-hospital personnel in disasters: a grounded theory study
Psychometric properties of the suicide Stroop task in a Chinese college population
Pushing or pulling your "poison": clinical correlates of alcohol approach and avoidance bias among inpatients undergoing alcohol withdrawal treatment
Quiet eye and computerized precision tasks in first-person shooter perspective esport games
Rail transport delay and its effects on the perceived importance of a real-time information
Recidivism rates of treated, non-treated and dropout adolescent who have sexually offended: a non-randomized study
Relationship between the early initiation of substance use and attempted suicide among in-school adolescents in seven low- or middle-income African countries: an analysis of the Global School-Based Student Health Survey data
Relationship of social and behavioral characteristics to suicidality in community adolescents with self-harm: considering contagion and connection on social media
Religion as meaning-making resource in understanding suicidal behavior in Ghana and Uganda
Research on the tournament incentive mechanism of the safety behavior for construction workers: considering multiple heterogeneity
Resilience assessment scale for the prediction of suicide reattempt in clinical population
Responses to offense at work and the impact of hierarchical status: the fault of the leader, causal attributions, and social support during the CoViD-19 pandemic crisis
Returning the favor? Feeling obliged and reported participation in discretionary safety activities
Saccadic eye movements in elderly depressed patients with suicidal behaviors: an exploratory eye-tracking study
Scent in motion: on the multiple uses of ambient scent in the context of passenger transport
School climate, moral disengagement and, empathy as predictors of bullying in adolescents
School refusal behavior and aggression in Spanish adolescents
School violence and teacher professional engagement: a cross-national study
Self-reported voluntary blame-taking: kinship before friendship and no effect of incentives
Sexual boundary violations via digital media among students
Sibling, peer, and cyber bullying among children and adolescents: co-occurrence and implications for their adjustment
Situation awareness in remote operators of autonomous vehicles: developing a taxonomy of situation awareness in video-relays of driving scenes
Situation awareness measurement in remotely controlled cars
Skin conductance responses of learner and licensed drivers during a hazard perception task
Social sharing of emotions and communal appraisal as mediators between the intensity of trauma and social well-being in people affected by the 27F, 2010 earthquake in the Biobío Region, Chile
Socio-demographic variables, fear of CoViD-19, anxiety, and depression: prevalence, relationships and explanatory model in the general population of seven Latin American countries
Socio-psychological and design features related to transport choices: a focus group research in the metropolitan area of Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy)
Socioeconomic status and risk-taking behavior among Chinese adolescents: the mediating role of psychological capital and self-control
Sound effects on physiological state and behavior of drivers in a highway tunnel
Spanish adaptation of the Inventory Brief Child Abuse Potential and the Protective Factors Survey
Sport-related affective benefits for teenagers are getting greater as they approach adulthood: a large-scale French investigation
Stressful experiences in university predict non-suicidal self-injury through emotional reactivity
Stronger prejudices are associated with decreased model-based control
Structural, psychological and contextual predictors of car use
Suicide exposure in a polymediated age
Suspension of criminal proceedings for perpetrators of intimate partner violence against women: impact on re-entries
Swedish and Norwegian police interviewers' goals, tactics, and emotions when interviewing suspects of child sexual abuse
Testing moral disengagement and Proteus effect predictions on feelings of guilt and self-empowerment attributed to bearing guns
Testing whether suicide capability has a dynamic propensity: the role of affect and arousal on momentary fluctuations in suicide capability
Thank you for hearing my voice - listening to women combat veterans in the United States and Israeli militaries
The association between stress and injury: a prospective cohort study among 186 first-year contemporary dance students
The association between the 5Cs and anxiety-insights from three countries: Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain
The child emotion facial expression set: a database for emotion recognition in children
The co-occurrence of self-harm and aggression: a cognitive-emotional model of dual-harm
The effect of fear of the CoViD-19 on depression among chinese outbound students studying online in China amid the CoViD-19 pandemic period: the role of resilience and social support
The effect of red and blue on gross and fine motor tasks: confirming the inverted-U hypothesis
The effects of a reading-based intervention on emotion processing in children who have suffered early adversity and war related trauma
The effects of an in-vehicle collision warning system on older drivers' on-road head movements at intersections
The emotional states elicited in a Human Tower performance: case study
The historical influence of psychoanalytic concepts in the understanding of brain injury survivors as psychological patients
The Impact of Mindfulness Training on Police Officer Stress, Mental Health, and Salivary Cortisol Levels
The impact of sexualized video game content and cognitive load on state rape myth acceptance
The importance of developmental assets to mental health in Norwegian youth
The influence of equipment and environment on children and young adults learning aquatic skills
The influence of personality traits on school bullying: a moderated mediation model
The nurse or midwife at the crossroads of caring for patients with suicidal and rigid religious ideations in Africa
The potential impact of adjunct digital tools and technology to help distressed and suicidal men: an integrative review
The psychological impact of participation in victim-offender mediation on offenders: evidence for increased compunction and victim empathy
The psychological pathway to suicide attempts: a strategy of control without awareness
The punished self, the unknown self, and the harmed self - toward a more nuanced understanding of self-harm among adolescent girls
The radicalization of Brexit activists
The relationship between and correlates of problematic sexual behavior and major mental illness
The relationship between childhood emotional abuse and processing of emotional facial expressions in healthy young men: event-related potential and behavioral evidence
The relationship between fear of CoViD-19 and online aggressive behavior: a moderated mediation model
The relationship between future time perspective and psychological violence among Chinese college students
The relationship between school bullying and subjective well-being: the mediating effect of school belonging
The relationship between suicidal ideation and parental attachment among adolescents: the mediator of anhedonia and peer attachment
The relationship between the duration of attention to pandemic news and depression during the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019: the roles of risk perception and future time perspective
The role of complex trauma and attachment patterns in intimate partner violence
The role of dynamic social norms in promoting the internalization of sportspersonship behaviors and values and psychological well-being in ice hockey
The role of social media use in peer bullying victimization and onset of anxiety among Indonesian elementary school children
The social roots of suicide: theorizing how the external social world matters to suicide and suicide prevention
The threat of CoViD-19 and job insecurity impact on depression and anxiety: an empirical study in the USA
The underlying process of prosocial behavior among soldiers: a terror management theory perspective
The vicious cycle: problematic family relations, substance abuse, and crime in adolescence: a narrative review
To do or not to do… primary health care professionals experiences with mothers with children born of sexual violence
To help or not to help: intervening in cyberbullying among Chinese cyber-bystanders
To punish or to restore: how children evaluate victims' responses to immorality
Transforming connections: a trauma-informed and attachment-based program to promote sensitive parenting of trans and gender non-conforming youth
Treatment of traumatised sexuality
Trolls without borders: a cross-cultural examination of victim reactions to verbal and silent aggression online
Two dimensions of moral cognition as correlates of different forms of participation in bullying
Underload on the road: measuring vigilance decrements during partially automated driving
Understanding the emotion coping strategies during public emergencies - from the perspective of psychological distance
Understanding the multidimensional and dynamic nature of facial expressions based on indicators for appraisal components as basis for measuring drivers' fear
Understanding the prevalence rates of interpersonal violence experienced by young French-speaking Swiss athletes
User evaluation of passenger assistance system concepts on public highways
Validation of a tool to evaluate drug prevention programs among students
Validation of the Revised Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire (OBVQ-R) among adolescents in Chile
Victim sensitivity and proposal size modulate the ingroup favoritism during fairness norm enforcement
Victim's perspective of forgiveness seeking behaviors after transgressions
Victims of bullying: emotion recognition and understanding
Viewing cute images does not affect performance of computerized reaction time tasks
Warning messages in crisis communication: risk appraisal and warning compliance in severe weather, violent acts, and the CoViD-19 pandemic
What's in the box? Punishment and insanity in the Canadian jury deliberation room
When does rejection trigger aggression? A test of the multimotive model
When problems only get bigger: the impact of adverse childhood experience on adult health
When taekwondo referees see red, but it is an electronic system that gives the points
Why do some users become enticed to cheating in competitive online games? An empirical study of cheating focused on competitive motivation, self-esteem, and aggression
Why do we take risks? Perception of the situation and risk proneness predict domain-specific risk taking
Why true believers make the ultimate sacrifice: sacred values, moral convictions, or identity fusion?
Women's contexts and circumstances of posttraumatic growth after sexual victimization: a systematic review
Workplace violence against doctors in Bangladesh: a content analysis
Would you rather be safe or free? Motivational and behavioral aspects in CoViD-19 mitigation
Young adults with developmental coordination disorder adopt a different visual strategy during a hazard perception test for cyclists