"they don't test for it-so i do it":drug driving from a user's perspective
A comparison of driving while intoxicated laws in the united states and canada
A comparison of equal alcohol doses of beer and 101 proof whiskey on eleven human test subjects
A comparison of the incidence of drugs in drink drivers and fatal road casualties
Age of drinking onset predicts young adults' self-reported drink-driving
Alcohol and drug consumption by quebec truck drivers
Alcohol and drug use by professional drivers in spain
Alcohol and the perception of speed
Alcohol problems among swedish drivers suspected of dui
Alcohol related road accidents in the Federal Republic of Germany - status till 2000
Alcohol, travelling speed and the risk of crash involvement
Alcoholism, smoking prevention and traffic safety in nigeria
An evaluation of coin-operated breath testing machines in south australian licensed premises
Application of 0.05% legal blood alcohol limits to traffic injury control in bangkok
Application of the guidelines: an introduction
Are the declines in drinking driving fatalities in canada being overestimated?
Are there better ways to predict recidivism?
Bacs of u.S. Drivers in fatal crashes: have they changed in the last 20 years?
Best practices for alcohol interlock programs: findings from two workshops
Biochemical alcohol markers in alcohol positive male drivers screened from the traffic flow
Biochemical markers as measures of return to drinking
Bob in belgium: preventing and deterring drink driving
Breath alcohol concentration and breath temperature
Canada's strategy to reduce impaired driving - experience to date and future aspirations
Canadian criminal law and impaired driving
Collisions of alcohol, cannabis and cocaine abuse clients before and after treatment
Comparing the involvement of alcohol in fatal and serious injury single vehicle crashes
Comparison of ethanol pharmacokinetics in blood, breath and saliva
Comparison of two responsibility analysis methods regarding fatal crashes
Council of europe survey on problems raised by use / abuse of psychoactive drugs
Cozart rapiscan oral fluid drug test system
Crash risk of alcohol impaired driving
Criminal and motoring convictions of high risk drink/drivers
Detecting and identifying drug impaired drivers based on observable signs and symptoms
Detection of drug impaired drivers - standard field sobriety tests
Deterrence effect of sting operations on driving with a suspended/revoked license in maryland
Developing protocols for assessing of fitness to drive in dementia and arthritis
Development and analysis of a drug and alcohol driving awareness program
Do collision factors predict legal outcomes for injured drinking drivers?
Does graduated driver licensing reduce alcohol-related crashes?
Drager drugtest(r): the new drug detection system
Drinking and boating: a population-based case-control study of recreational boating fatalities
Drinking and driving in france in 1999-2000 : changes in the decade and new perspectives
Drinking in the united states: myths, realities, and prevention policy
Drinking-driving programs and quality control: assessing consistency of program implementation
Drivers involved in accidents and suspected under influence
Driving under the influence of drugs in Ireland: a growing and significant danger
Driving under the influence of prescribed drugs in poland - questionnaire studies
Driving, addiction and the law
Drug detection in impaired victorian drivers
Drug prevalence in road trauma victims in victoria
Drug profiles of apprehended drivers in victoria
Drugs and medicines as accident causation factors
Drugs detected in saliva samples from danish drivers
Drunk driving in the united states: a roadmap for progress
Drunken drivers and professional fitness
Dwi system improvements for dealing with hard core offenders
Earlier arrests among apprehended drivers in norway with heroin and ecstasy detection
Ecstasy and designer amphetamines - findings in drivers and post-mortem cases in Denmark
Effect of alcohol and drugs on crash severity: differences between young and older drivers
Effectiveness of the use and lose law
Effects of alcohol countermeasures in quebec on the risk of alcohol-related accidents
Effects of alcohol, aging, and sleep loss on temporal factors in vision
Effects of enhanced sanctions for higher bacs
Effects of mdma (ecstasy) on driving performance and cognition
Establishing effective border crossing enforcement of drinking and driving laws
Estimating accident risks associated with ageing, illness and disease
Expanding the focus for educational programmes in drink driving
Experimental testing of the designated driver concept
Expert opinions in DUID cases based on interpretation of observations and toxicology
Fatal recreational vehicle crashes and alcohol in new zealand: what does the data tell us?
Feasibility study on ignition interlocks in finland
First experiences with the new law on duid in belgium: alcohol and medicines in drug negative cases
Geographic analysis of dwi offenders
Group composition and driver minority status
How to deal with the impact of medicinal drug abuse on driver safety?
Identifying and intervening with drinking drivers in various venues: a research review
Illinois ignition interlock evaluation
Impact of 9/11 border security on youthful cross-border drinking
Improved drug driving analytical service
Increased future death rates among drunken and drugged drivers
Indecisive drink-driving policy allows for increase of dui in the netherlands
Interest of a categorisation system for medicinal drugs, based on driving groups of aptitude
Lack of effect on evidential breath alcohol analysis with blood in the oral cavity
Licit and illicit drugs among danish car drivers
Low blood alcohol content: overview of performance, safety, and policy implications
Medical and psychological car crash prevention aspects in kabardino-balkaria
Medical predictors at time of licensing for traffic violations and accidents
Methodological issues in epidemiological studies of alcohol crash risk
Multiple drug use and clinical signs of drugs
New experimental paradigm to prove sedative effects of psychoactive substances
New quality management system for the selection and the improvement of dwi in germany
New training in detection of illicit drugs in drivers
Patterns of traffic violations with special emphasis to dui in tennessee, usa
Persistent unsafe driving after drinking or driving after using cannabis among young adults
Political context of the setting up of a national epidemiological study in france
Portable evidential breath test (pebt) program
Possibility of use a saliva for determination ethanol and opiates
Preliminary evaluation of the swedish ignition interlock programme and recommended further steps
Prevent drunk driving: mobilize all the parties concerned and take action
Progress in the european union on the application of lists of medicinal drugs that impair driving
Public policy and alcohol related crashes among older drivers
Reasons for the reduction in young alcohol-impaired drivers
Reciprocity between drinking driving and riding with drunk drivers: a study of college students
Reducing traffic injuries and violent crime by enforcing alcohol laws
Responsible beverage service training programmes: a good way to decrease alcohol, related problems
Results of the belgian drink driving roadside survey
Review of experimental studies of low bac effects on skills performance
Road users behaviour monitoring in estonia
Roadside drug testing: from the idea to the product - drager drugtest(r)
Roadside drug testing: the results of the Rosita Project
Roadside survey in the Canton of Geneva, Switzerland
Role of alcohol in traffic accidents in hungary (1991-2000)
Screening for drivers under the influence of drugs - the new drugwipe for sweat and saliva testing
Short-term effectiveness of a brief motivational intervention with convicted dwi offenders
Simultaneous screening and quantitation of 39 drugs in blood by gc-ms in drugs and driving cases
Social influences on driving under psychoactive substances
Social-cultural characteristics of dwi drivers compared with drug-alcohol-free drivers
Sociological characterisation of convicted drunken drivers
Strategy for the implementation of a new categorization system in spain
Substance consumption and willingness to drive - a comparison of illegal drugs and alcohol
The drug recognition expert officer:signs of drug impairment at roadside
The edac test: a new biomarker to monitor alcohol abstinence and relapses
The educational measure alcohol and traffic (ema)
The effect of heat on blood samples containing alcohol
The general deterrence effects of vehicle forfeiture programs for first and multiple dui offenders
The influence of MDMA on cognition and psychomotor function, and the importance for driving capacity
The potential legal and policy implications of lowering the criminal code bac limit in canada
The quebec alcohol ignition interlock program: impact on recidivism and crashes
The role of alcohol, licit and illicit drugs in traffic in eastern europe
The role of formative evaluation in developing a prevention program for new young drivers
The role of medicines in traffic accidents in the european countries
The role of the policeman and of the medical doctor in the evaluation of impairment in drivers
The SFST and driving ability. Are they related?
Traceability and evidential breath analyser
Treatment of dui's - a swedish evaluation study
Trends in drink driving in finland in 1990-2000
Trends in impaired driving in the united states: complacency and backsliding?
Use of psychoactive medicines and drugs as a cause of road trauma
Variability of bac/brac, bac/sac and sac/brac ratios during absorption and elimination of alcohol
Victim impact panels - do they impact drinking and driving behavior?
Worldwide trends in drinking and driving: has the progress continued?