A case-control study of driving while impaired offenders
A theoretical basis for public information programs concerning alcohol
Abnormalities of driving in drug consumers in road traffic
Accident prevention as a complex task for international science
Acute and hangover effects of alcohol on event-related potentials (erps)
Adolescent drinking and driving: beliefs, referents, and perception of control
Alcohol and driving: what research on alcoholic relapse reveals
Alcohol and drugs involved in fatal accidents in the north west of spain
Alcohol and marijuana, a less than addictive interaction?
Alcohol and social interation - a coergism relevant to driving?
Alcohol as an accident risk factor in road traffic trauma
Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety-t92. Conference proceedings
Alcohol-induced alteration of human social behaviour and its relation to traffic safety
Alcohol-related driving behavior of white and non-white north carolina drivers
Alcohol-related somatic and psychomotoric risks in emergency patients
Alcoholism markers in their relation to prevention and rehabilitation
An alcohol-traffic-program suited for the delinquent driver under influence
An expert survey of experimental research in drugs and driving
Antihistamine effects on performance: comparison of diphenhydramine and terfenadine
Are low blood alcohol concentrations really dangerous in traffic?
Assessing car driver workload: literature review and theoretical considerations
Assessment of the female impaired driver: implications for treatment
Behaviors and opinions of swedish drivers before and after the 0.02% legal bac limit of 1990
Benzodiazepines and driving performance
Benzodiazepines, tetrahydrocannabinol and drugged driving in norway
Blood alcohol concentrations of pedestrians admitted to hospital
Breath and/or blood analysis - some fundamental comments
Canadian trends in drinking driving fatalities
Causes and correlates of drinking and driving
Cocaine effects on performance
Coergisms between drugs and alcohol - a psychopharmacological review
Community alcohol action drink driving programmes in new zealand
Comparison of multiple dui offenders while selecting either antabuse or 12-step treatment programs
Complementary empirical study on the driver fitness of methadone substitution patients
Comprehensive program needed to reduce youth dwi
Detection of cannabinoids in serum of vehicle drivers after smoking cannabis in coffee shops
Differences among drunken drivers: male vs. Female and first vs. Multiple duis
Different forms of development in long-term therapy with dui offenders
Drink-driving in the netherlands: evaluation of publicity campaigns
Drink-driving: driver perceptions about detection and their effect on behaviour
Drinking and driving amongst modest and heavy drinkers in great britain
Drinking and driving at different legal bac limits in europe
Drinking and driving in canada
Drinking and driving in minnesota
Drinking drivers' estimates of bac
Drinking, driving, and road side experiences - the finnish experience
Drinking-and-driving law enforcement in a wine-producing country, a multi-criteria process
Driver's licensing as a measure for defending traffic safety
Drug analysis as a basic for driving ability examination
Drugs and driving: an international categorization system
Drugs in road traffic accident drivers with low blood alcohol concentrations
Effects of a reduced alcohol limit for driving
Effects of low alcohol dosages: a review of the literature
Effects of wal801c1 (epinastine hydrochloride) on actual driving performance
Epidemiology of drugs and driving
Evaluation of drunk driving campaign among young people - attitudes and accident trend
Evaluation of rehabilitation courses in great britain
Field evaluation of the autotimer unit for monitoring convicted drinking drivers
Field performance of current generation breath-alcohol simulators
Field research: a comment on perrine's "rapprochement between epidemiology and experimentation"
Field sobriety tests: reliability and validity
Forensic alcohol training program
Gamma-glutamyl-transpeptidase activity among convicted multiple dui offenders
Guidelines for retrograde extrapolation of blood alcohol concentrations
Heroin substitution by methadone - implications for traffic safety
Influence of alcohol on drug related deaths
Information and motivation groups for people who drive when prone to alcohol
Inner european problems of evidence evaluation in cases of "dwi"
Instructional set and visual-motor performance
Interaction - toward a precise understanding of a scientific term
Interlock performance standards
Legal problems concerning the introduction of evidential breath alcohol tests in germany
Legality and equality in relation to the swedish drunk driving law
Licensing and medical-psychological assessment in germany
Marijuana's effect on actual driving: summary of a 1-year experimental program
Marketing traffic safety as a consumer product in victoria, australia
Measured bac vs. Estimated bac, rated intoxication, and driving ability
Methods sensitive to measuring effects of alcohol at low dosages
Modern developments in measuring and screening
Mortality in a sample of convicted drinking drivers
Motivating anti-dwi behaviors using existing values
Paroxetine and driving performance
Passive safety against drink driving
Pattern oriented analysis of actual driving experiments in drug evaluation
Patterns of traffic violations among young drivers in tennessee, u.S.A
Predicting crash involvement among young drivers
Predictors of impaired driving
Problems with outliers in breath alcohol testing
Progression of drug consumption in the mirror of driving ability test in Bavaria 1991
Psychological profiling for the first time dwi offender, strategies to reduce recidivism
Psychomotor impairment by ethanol in the postabsorptive phase
Psychomotor performance with antidepressant medication
Psychosocial characteristics of drinking and non-drinking crashed drivers
Psychosocial sequelae following a serious injury producing crash
Publicity, control and drunk driving
Rapprochement between epidemiology and experimentation concerning driving-after-drinking problems
Recent advances in the analysis of ethanol in saliva: evaluation of the qed device
Reducing drinking and driving through administrative license revocation
Rehabilitation of drunken drivers in the federal republic of germany
Repeated dwi offenders: their involvement in fatal crashes
Response measure selection in drug studies
Roadside survey of nocturnal drinking drivers in ohio
Screening and quantitation of volatile substances by pulse heating method
Screening of benzodiazepines with special reference to lorazepam
Screening of psychoactive substances in traffic accidents. A comprehensive analytical approach
Self-reported driving risks in a clinical sample of substance users
Statement for the epidemiological approach
Studies on problem drinking and the property of heavy drinking students
Swedish experiences in relation to drink driving
Target group oriented rehabilitation programs for drinking drivers
Test drives in the daimler-benz driving simulator with drivers under diazepam and diphenhydramine
The "no sweat" educational strategy
The community-based systems approach to dwi prevention
The decline of dwi and of alcohol related accidents in the netherlands, 1983-1991
The drinking driver research program of the vermont alcohol research center
The effectiveness of drink/drive and speed countermeasures in victoria, australia
The effects of 'hangover' on psychomotor performance twelve hours after drinking
The effects of police enforcement and publicity on drinking and driving behaviour
The evaluation of new breath alcohol instruments for police use in great britain
The influence of alcohol consumption on driving behaviour in simulated conditions
The influence of temperature on breath-alcohol analysis
The longitudinal variation of a drink driving education program
The prevention approach to reducing drunken driving
The rehabilitation of drivers driving while intoxicated in austria
The rehabilitation of drunken drivers in europe
The role of alcohol and other drugs in seriously injured traffic crash victims
The role of modern technology in the revoking and regranting of driving licences
The role of police enforcement in the decrease of dwi in the netherlands, 1983-1991
The treatment of drunken drivers in finland
Toxicological analysis for the purpose of medical psychological aptitude tests of drug abusers
Tracking simulation and over-the-road testing: valid models of driving performance?
Treatment histories of severe dwi offenders
Type of injury and breath alcohol concentrations among french young people: epidemiology
United states impaired driving policies and practices
Variability of reaction time and p300 under the influence of alcohol
Variations in actual penalties for convicted drinking drivers after maximum fines increased