A new, portable drug testing system
Alcohol incidence in rural drivers: characteristics of a population and clues for countermeasures
Breath alcohol simulators with alcohol solutions in separated chambers
Breath testing--some physiological and medico-legal comments
Conducting voluntary roadside surveys: the stockton experience
Current detecting technics for breath alcohol
Driving licence review after admittance into a psychiatric hospital
Inferences regarding the bacs of non-respondents in the canadian roadside survey
Location and shift properties of drivers not tested for bac
New countermeasures against drinking drivers
Road traffic accidents and the price of beverage alcohol in trinidad and tobago 1966-1975
Roadside breath testing in northern ireland
Roadside survey in northern sweden
Roadside surveys: the south african experience
Screening methods for drugs of abuse and narcotics--new development of the emit technique
Some methodological lessons from american roadside breathtesting experiences
The determination of beverage-type by means of breath analysis
The incidence of traffic accidents in the united states virgin islands and the causative factors
The use of saliva analyses in roadside surveys
Vehicle driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs in hungary