A breath alcohol sample simulator for performance evaluation of breath alcohol testers
A critical view of countermeasure development and evaluation
A method for the determining of breath alcohol with multifract (gas chromatography)
A new device for automation of the alcohol analysis performed by means of the adh-method
A new technique for the storage and analysis of breath alcohol samples
A plan for influencing teenage drinking drivers
A review of breath testing in northern ireland, 1968-1979
Alcohol and drug use, road behaviour and personality
Alcohol and drugs in driving ability
Alcohol and fatal road traffic accidents. A review of 500 cases from north and west london, 1970-79
Alcohol and road traffic accidents with severe injury to the driver (pilot study)
Alcohol and the risk of accident involvement
Alcohol drugs and traffic safety volume ii
Alcohol drugs and traffic safety volume iii
Alcohol involvement in traffic deaths investigated by special boards of inquiry in finland
Alcohol safety programs in the Federal Republic of Germany
Alcohol, drugs and road accidents in northeast italy. Preliminary report
Alcohol, marihuana and skills performance
Alcohol, task demands and personality affect driving: beware the interactions
An adjustment demand. Resistance to alcoholism treatment with a dwi population
An analytical model describing the exchange processes of alcohol in the respiratory system
An evaluation of an information programme against drunken driving
An evaluation of the indium encapsulation system for remote breath alcohol testing
An examination of the effect of liquor-by-the-drink on traffic safety in north carolina
Analysis of drugs in biological fluids. State-of-the-art
Automated analysis of alcohol in blood
Blood alcohol in hospitalized traffic crash victims
Blood-breath ratios obtained in trials of three breath alcohol testing instruments
Breath alcohol self-testing with an alcohol guard. A laboratory evaluation
Breath-alcohol analysis after sorption on calcium sulfate. In-vitro and in-vivo studies
Breathalyzer tests with the equilibrator and the effect of room temperature
Cannabis, alcohol and driving: effects on selected closed-course tasks
Comparison of different methods for the determination of breath alcohol
Conclusions from a study concerning driving under the influence of medicine
Detection of impaired drivers through measurement of speed and alignment
Deterrence at last. The ministry of transport's alcohol blitzes
Development and application of assays for cannabinoids in biological samples
Development of chronic alcoholism
Differences between drivers injured and not injured in collisions in victoria, australia
Drinking and driving in turku, finland
Driving performance of patients receiving diazepam medication
Driving while intoxicated and the combined use of alcohol and drugs
Drugs and driving. A screening system and a survey of results
Drugs and highway safety. A perspective for the 1980's
Drugs detected in fatally injured drivers in the province of ontario
Drunken driving in finland. (i) the profile of all arrested drunken drivers in 1977-1978
Drunken driving in finland. (ii) the profile and frequency based on roadside surveys
Effectiveness of random breath testing as a countermeasure
Effects of caffeine or diazepam on subsidiary reaction time in a long term driving task
Effects of high levels of diazepam and alcohol in practice
Evaluation of random breath testing in Victoria, Australia
Experimental studies on post mortem alcohol formation
Factors affecting the absorption rate of alcohol into the blood. A pilot study
Forensic significance of congeners of alcoholic beverages
Formation of puryvate-lactate index and of glucose level in controlled alcoholemia
Illicit drugs among arrested drivers in the border region of aix la chapelle
Is it possible to substitute the blood-alcohol analysis by determining the ethanol in breath?
Medico-legal aspects of alcohol in portugal
Mental task test and heart rate level in alcohol intoxication process
Methods of assessing the effect of microbes in blood and urine on ethanol levels
Metpol, an automated system for the analysis of blood alcohol levels
On the collection of breath samples from unconscious subjects by using the rebreathing method
Parallel breath alcohol curves and blood alcohol curves with test persons under alcohol influence
Pharmacokinetically based forensic interpretation of benzodiazepine blood levels
Pharmacological actions of higher aliphatic alcohols
Problems and opportunities of experimental design in psychopharmacological research
Psychiatric patients, alcohol and traffic accidents
Psychoactive drugs and driving impairment
Recent trends in countermeasures and research concerning drinking and driving in the netherlands
Relation between arterial, venous and lung tissue alcohol levels. A study on rabbits
Results and implications of the asaps
Road accidents in young drug addicts. Comparison with a test group
Road traffic accidents and liquor store strikes
Screening of arrested drunken drivers for alcoholism
Socially cost effective law enforcement policy to control motoring accidents in scandinavia
The alcotest 7010, a new breath alcohol analyzer
The analysis of drugs in small blood samples by radioimmunoassay
The benefits of early disposition of drinking driver cases
The cost of driving under the influence of alcohol. An estimate concerning sweden in 1977
The drinking road user in great britain
The drunken teenage driver, who is he
The effectiveness of education and treatment programs for drinking drivers. A decade of evaluation
The effects of alcohol and caffeine, alone and in combination, on skills performance
The fate of driver casualties found to have a raised blood alcohol concentration
The involvement of police in the evaluation of substantive breath measuring instruments
The measurement of breath alcohol concentration and the inherent physiology of the lung
The ordinary driver in his conflict between drinking and driving. Some preliminary findings
The possibilities of counteracting alcohol inebriation
The problem drinker, who is he?
The role of alcohol in road accidents in hungary
The role of alcoholic state in road traffic in hungary
The swedish legislative decision making process in relation to alcohol and traffic from 1920 to 1980