Accident analyses of vehicle side collisions
Analytical brain models for head impact
Belted occupants in oblique and side impacts
Car-to-car side-collision: a comparison of accident analysis and research work
Consideration of the peculiar and specific safety requirements of the motor racing driver
Contribution to defining the human tolerance to perpendicular side impact
Criteria for the selection of accidents for simulation and reconstruction
Dynamic simulation of the cervical spine with use of the differential displacement matrix
Epidemiology of spinal cord injuries (Rhone-Alpes Region, France 1970-1975)
Expected belt-specific injury patterns dependent on the angle of impact
Injury patterns caused by seat-belts
Lacerative properties of the human skin during impact
Lateral and oblique impact influence on vehicle and occupant protection
Lesions in car riders from oblique and lateral impacts
Mathematical research to optimize the side structure of passenger car
Measurement of head impact response
Pedestrian leg injuries: the bumper and other front structures
Performance of the Volkswagen automatic restraint system (VWRA)
Prediction of multidirectional thoracic impact injuries
Reconstruction analysis of lateral collisions
Results of West European accident investigation programs - a review
Safety of mopeds: Accident survey and rider injuries
Semistatic loading of baboon's torso
Severity of head-to-car and head-to-ground impacts for pedestrians
Simulations and reconstructions of pedestrians and two-wheel riders head-to-car impacts
Study of in-the-field roll-over accidents and comparison with roll-over crash tests
The influence of discontinuous lateral displacements on the behaviour of in vivo lumbar colums
Torsional behaviour of the human femur
Traffic injury to elderly persons
Transdimentional cinematographic analysis of the head kinematics under lateral impact conditions