A new vehicle bound system to secure elder children and small adults on back seats
Abdominal and thoracic response to loading of pretensioner restraint systems
Adaptive restraints: Suggested parameters for occupant classification system
Adult and child pedestrian head impact condition as a function of vehicle front end geometry
Analysing the impact behaviour of recent snowboarding wrist protectors
Development of an anatomically-correct finite element model of the human shoulder
Explicit finite element method applied to impact biomechanics problems
Human surrogate neck response to +Gz vertical impact
In-vivo test protocol for analysis of thorax response under belt loading
Injuries, mechanisms, kinematics, and loading of head-neck-torso in small overlap frontal impacts
Intracranial response in helmet oblique impacts
Model for pulmonary response resulting from high deformation rate loading
Older children's sitting postures when riding in the rear seat
Pedestrians interacting with a passenger car; A study of real world accidents
Predicting thoracic spinal postures in finite element model with Bezier technique
Test methods to evaluate terminal effects of Kinetic Energy Non-Lethal Weapon systems
The influence of vehicle shape on pedestrian ground contact mechanisms
The role of accident investigation in biomechanics research
Thoracic response to shoulder-belt loading: Comparison of table-top and frontal sled tests with PMHS
WITkit - Whiplash injury risk claims, methodology and theory of operation