A new method to determine rib geometry for a personalised FEM of the thorax
A new methodology for biofidelic head-neck postural control
Characterisation of motorcyclist's upper body motion during braking manoeuvre
Estimation of the benefits for the UK for potential options to modify UNECE Regulation No. 95
Field data - A base for the development of safe vehicles
Gender analysis on whiplash seat effectiveness: Results from real-world crashes
Head injury risk evaluation for standing passengers in rail transport
Influence of the body on head rotational acceleration in motorcycle helmet oblique impact tests
Investigation on pedestrian pelvis loading mechanisms using finite element simulations
Lateral bending moment threshold of the knee joint – Effects of active muscles
Methodology to predict thresholds for loading corridors of human ribs
Passive human muscle properties for finite element human body models for safety
Prediction of lumbar spine posture for repositioning of spinal FE model
Repositioning the human body FE model at the hip (femuropelvic) joint
Self-Protection and Partner-Protection for new vehicles (UNECE R94 amendment)
Specificities of rear occupant protection: Analysis of French accident data
Statistical prediction of pedestrian pre-impact speed based on post-accident vehicle damage
The influence of the safety belt on the decisive injury assessment values in the new US-NCAP