Car to car struck side impacts - A comparison between European accident data and directive 96/27/EC
CFD modeling of pressure transients in the spinal canal during whiplash motion - a pilot study
Collision Avoidance Technologies: Their Future Potential for Crash Reduction
Dynamic characterization of bovine medial collateral ligaments
Effect of muscle contraction in high speed car-pedestrian impact - simulations for walking posture
Evaluation of ear-mounted sensors for determining impact head acceleration
Finite element analysis of traumatic brain injuries mechanisms in the rat
Frontal impact PHMS sled tests for FE torso model development
Head and neck dynamics in helmeted hybrid III impacts
Human body FE model repositioning: a step towards posture specific - human body models (PS-HBM)
Influence of head boundary conditions in pedestrian real world head trauma simulations
Injury threshold for sagittal plane rotational induced diffuse axonal injuries
Multi-directional modal analysis of the head-neck system and model evaluation
Prioritising pedestrian injury prevention based on frequency and cost
Reactive seat design for optimum whiplash mitigation at different crash severities
Side airbag out-of-position deployments: Thoracic injury to stationary and dynamic occupants
Study of airbag effectiveness in high severity frontal crashes
The effect of postural support devices on rear impact loading for wheelchair occupants in transit
The frontal-impact response of a booster-seated child-size PMHS
The magnitude, phasing, and attenuation of pressure waves in the aorta during abdominal belt loading
Three-dimensional head physical properties on the accuracy of injury metrics
Time scale analysis applied to lower limb impact test
Understanding the nature of cyclists' head impacts
Verification of lower neck shear force as a rear impact injury criterion