Abdominal sensors for child dummies of the Q family, injury criteria and injury risk curves
An evaluation of various neck injury criteria in vigorous activities
Chest injuries and injury mechanisms in oblique lateral impacts
Child Protection in Cars - Advances and Key Challenges
Dynamics models for the assessment of spinal injury from repeated impact in high speed planing boats
Effects of muscle tense on impact responses of lower extremity
Experimental characterization and damage model of the human skin response to dynamic loadings
Field performance study of electronic stability control system effectiveness in US fatal crashes
Implementation of head injury criteria in cyclist-car accidents
Investigation of the traumatic rupture of the aorta (TRA) by simulating real-world accidents
Low severity frontal crashes that cause injury to elderly occupants
Lower extremity risk and harm associated with narrow offset frontal impact crashes
Quasi-static and dynamic thoracic loading tests: cadaveric torsos
Role of rotational acceleration and deceleration pulses on brain strains in lateral impact
Strain rate dependent mechanical properties of bovine bone in axial compression
The importance of rotational kinematics in pedestrian head to windshield impacts
Three years old child neck FE modelling under automotive accident conditions