A new oblique impact test for motorcycle helmets
An analysis of pedestrian dummy throw characteristics for forward projection pedestrian collisions
Analysis and load assessment of secondary impact to adult pedestrians after car collisions on roads
Benefit from a neck protection system for aftermarket fitting
Benefits of a 64 km/h offset crash test in australia
Benefits of a 64km/h offset crash test in Australia
Biomechanical response of human cervical spine to direct loading of the head
Brain injuries in real world accidents: a multidisciplinary investigation
Development of a human-like pelvis for a mid-sized male side impact dummy
Development of child pedestrian mathematical models and evaluation with accident reconstructions
Evaluation of vehicle body stiffness/strength for car to car compatibility
Finite element simulation of the biomechanical response of the human body
Head, neck, and body coupling in reconstructions of helmeted head impacts
Injury risk functions in frontal impacts using recorded crash pulses
Laminated side glazing: implications for vehicle occupant safety
Loading rate and torsional moments predict pilon fractures for antipersonnel blast mine loading
Measurements of vehicle compatibility in front-to-side crashes
Motorcycle-car side impact simulation
Pedestrian human body validation using detailed real-world accidents
Restrained hybrid III dummy-based criteria for thoracic hard-tissue injury prediction
Sharing of collision energy between cars in frontal impacts
Single rear impact produces lower cervical spine soft tissue injuries
Spinal kinematics of restrained occupants in frontal impacts
The potential effectiveness of adaptive restraints
Tolerance limits for mild traumatic brain injury derived from numerical head impact replication
Traffic safety and thirty years of biomechanics research: A personal adventure