A comparison between volunteer, biorid p3 and hybrid iii performance in rear impacts
A comparison of diffuse brain injury in the newborn and adult pig
A dynamic analysis of motorcycle helmet by finite element methods
An advanced 50th percentile thor dummy database
An improved lower leg multibody model
An in vivo model for the acute response of neural tissue to traumatic loading
Biomechanical basis for injury criteria used in crashworthiness regulations
Contribution of a seat suspension to reduce crash injuries with a multibody approach
Development of a biofidelic dummy for car-pedestrian accident studies
Geometrical effects on the mechanism of cervical spine injury due to head impact
Geometry acquisition of a car occupant anatomy
Human face response at an angle to the fore-aft vertical plane impact
Identification of head injury mechanisms associated with reconstruction of traffic accidents
Impact response and biofidelity of pedestrian legform impactors
In-depth study of volvo cars in rollover accidents
Influence of ageing process and anthropometric data on thoracic and pelvic injury tolerance
Lower extremity injury causation in frontal crashes
Mechanisms of axonal injury: an experimental and numerical study of a sheep model of head impact
Quasi static ankle/foot complex behavior: experimental tests and numerical simulations
Reduction of neck injuries by improving the occupant interaction with the seat back cushion
Severity and mechanism of head impacts in car to pedestrian accidents
Suggestions for evaluation criteria of neck injury protection in rear end car impacts
The effect of crash pulse shape on ais1 neck injuries in frontal impacts
The effectiveness of adjustable pedals usage
The neck injury criterion (nic) in dummy tests: a mathematical simulation study