A comparison of short- and long-term consequences of ais 1 neck injuries, in rear impacts
Are recent australian cars safer or are they just bigger?
Australian efforts to improve motor vehicle occupant protection: 1998 "bertil aldman award" lecture
Biomechanics of upper limb injuries of belted car drivers and assessment of avoidance
Biorid i: a new biofidelic rear impact dummy
Development and validation of a bicycle helmet fe model
Development of a dynamic multibody model to analyze human lower extremity impact response and injury
Dynamic injury tolerances for long bones of the female upper extremity
Evaluation of the dynamic and kinematic performance of the thor dummy: neck performance
Finite element model of human lower extremities in a frontal impact
Human volunteer kinematics in rear-end sled collisions
Injury panorama for drivers in frontal car crashes with and without deployed airbag
Intracranial pressure transients caused by head impacts
Mechanisms of hyperflexion cervical spine injury
New concepts and materials for passive safety of motorcyclists
Occupant injury criteria for roadside safety design
Pedal use and foot positioning during emergency braking
Pediatric cervical spine biomechanics using finite element models
Protection devices and development tools for reducing foot and leg injuries in frontal crashes
Rear-impact inflicted temporomandibular joint injury
Response of thor in frontal sled testing in different restraint conditions
Safety requirements for the transport of children in bicycle trailers