A finite element model of the pedestrian knee joint in lateral impact
A parametic study of a side airbag system to meet deflection based criteria
Abdominal protection in side impact. Injury mechanisms and protection criteria
An experimental evaluation of crash helmet design and effectiveness in standard impact tests
Brain injury from the macro to the micro level and back again: what have we learned to date?
Compatibility considerations for low mass rigid belt vehicles
Criteria for head impact protection by motorcycle helmets
Deformation analysis for motorcycle helmets
Development and validation of a mathematical breakable leg model
Finite element modeling of head impact: the second decade
Head injuries in lateral impact collisions
Head protection, the application of mathematical modelling
Human femur response to impact loading
Impact protection of police public order helmets
Mathematical modeling of the human cervical spine: a survey of the literature
Protection of passengers sitting laterally in a light truck box undergoing crash
Response of the knee joint in lateral impact: effect of bending moment
Simulation of the human behaviour in lateral impact
The deformable barrier, a realistic extension of offset testing
The influence of seat-back and head-restraint properties on the head- neck motion during rear-impact
The potential injury-reducing benefits of a well designed car seat