A statistical model of looming detection
Ageing and the detection of collision events
An international perspective on vision in vehicles
Artificial vision for a motorcycle
Changes in central and peripheral vision before and after a simulated driving task
Close following on the motorway: initial findings of an instrumented vehicle study
Combining dynamic route information panels with other signs: its effect on driver information intake
Computational and implementation strategies for smart visual sensors in automotive applications
Computer aided visualisation of the optical behaviour of vehicle glass components
Conspicuity: an effect alternative for search time
Contribution to the ergonomic and ergophthalmological approaches of the visual adaptation of drivers
Detection of vehicle crossing path at intersection
Distance over-estimation of vehicle rear lights in fog
Driver fatigue as identified by saccadic and blink indicators
Effects of double images in windscreens
Effects of gravito-inertial-force and vision on head tilt during driving
Effects of two different mental tasks on visual search behaviour while driving
Evaluation of functional fields of view in the real driving situation
Evaluation of road junctions by car drivers - a methodological study
How well does high contrast visual acuity predict driving performance?
Improving driving performance of persons with visual field defects: results of a pilot study
Increasing safety by removing visual cues - a contradiction?
Jaguar cars' near infrared night vision system -- overview of human factors research to date
Looking for danger: drivers' eye movements in hazardous situations
Older drivers' pedestrian detection times surrounding head-up versus head-down speedometer glances
Parallel processing and interference in simultaneous foveal and peripheral task performance
Peripheral detection rates in drivers
Retinal adaptation under night-time driving conditions
Road environment and visual anticipation of a collision during self-motion
Speed and distance estimation under simulation conditions
The development of the eye movement strategies of learner drivers
The effect of field of view and surface texture on driver steering performance
The effects of reduced visibility and time pressure on drivers' distance-keeping behaviour
The interfering effect of performing one visuo-spatial task whilst driving
The visual control of steering and driving: where do we look when negotiating curves?
Time estimation in the time-to-collision task: the impact of a simultaneous secondary task
Towards predicting driver intentions from patterns of eye fixations
Traffic signs, visibility and recognition
Updating visual space when rotating the head during whole-body displacements
Vehicle's motion detection: influence of road layout and relation with visual driver's assessment
Virtually a bridge bash: the use of a virtual environment to evaluate driver behaviour
Visibility of variable message signs in fog
Vision - a behavioural optometric viewpoint
Vision, age, driving restriction and road accidents
Visual allocation of expert and novice drivers
Visual demands of an aided vs. An unaided navigation task in real traffic
Visual perception of hud (head-up display) images in practical automobiles
Waking up at the wheel: accidents, attention and the time-gap experience