A comparative analysis of powered two wheelers crash severity among different urban areas
A logistic model for powered two-wheeler crashes in Italy
Accident rates in road tunnels and social cost evaluation
Accidents prediction model based on speed reduction on Spanish two-lane rural highways
An empirical study of the effects of road tunnels on driving performance
Analysis of lifelines transportation vulnerability
Application of highway safety manual to Italian divided multilane highways
CCV: A new model for S85 prediction
Commuters rail sations and pedestrians flows: the "Hardbrücke" station in Zurich, Switzerland
Distribution of air accidents around runways
Driving speed behaviour approaching road work zones on two-lane rural roads
Effects of flickering seizures on road drivers and passengers
Evaluation of the applicability of IHSDM crash prediction module on Italian two-lane rural roads
Functional characteristics and safety of two-lane rural roads
Impact of pavement defects on motorcycles' road safety
Improved traffic signal detection and classification via image processing algorithms
Improving roadside design to forgive human errors
Measures for improving powered two-wheelers riders' traffic safety on Slovenian roads
Modeling operating speed of two lane rural roads
Modeling vehicle-pedestrian crashes with excess zero along Malaysia federal roads
Numerical modelling of train induced vibrations
Performance analysis of basic turbo-roundabouts in urban context
Performance and safety roundabouts with traffic signals
Proposals for improvement of the Italian roundabout geometric design standard
Reducing complexity in urban infrastructure projects
Risk assessment around airports
Road safety analysis using operating speeds: Case studies in southern Italy
Road sight design and driver eye height: experimental measures
Rural highway design consistency evaluation model
Safety performance function for motorways using generalized estimation equations
Simulation of observed traffic conditions on roundabouts by dedicated software
Simulation of people evacuation in the event of a road tunnel fire
Study of hydroplaning risk on rolling and sliding passenger car
Sustainable rural roads for livelihoods and livability
Testing and improving urban bicycle performance
The effectiveness of variable message signs information: A driving simulation study
The experience with Wehner/Schulze Procedure in the Czech Republic
The impact of simulated road-space perception on driver's behavior
The interaction between land use and transport planning: A methodological issue
The most influential variables in the determination of V85 speed
Tire wet-pavement traction management for safer roads
Tools for assessing the safety impact of interventions on road safety
Traffic conflict techniques in Czech Republic
Traffic psychology and driver behavior
Travel time in case of accident prediction model
Trends and issues in mitigating traffic noise through quiet pavements
Two lane roads with multifunctional median lane
Typical deficiencies in traffic safety and irregularities of Slovenian roads
Using decision trees to extract decision rules from police reports on road accidents